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August 27, 2012

Logitech Washable Keyboard


The computer table also serves as a dining place for some of us especially if our work requires us to be in front of the computer almost 24/7. Oh how we wish that we can just soak up our keyboards to get rid of crumbs and dusts for an easy cleaning. Then here’s just the right thing for all messy typists. Introducing Logitech’s Washable Keyboard K310: the keyboard that loves a wash.

Logitech has finally created a breakthrough on its keyboard products. As the name would suggest, this keyboard can be placed under running water or even dunked right into water up to 11 inches deep. And it’ll emerge fully functional– pretty tough, right?

This Washable Keyboard K310 has drainage holes at the back of the keyboard for an easy clean and dry. Key characters won’t fade after washing since they are all laser printed and UV coated. It includes standard characters, 12 hot keys, number pad and plug-and-play set up via its USB connection in a unique and contemporary design.

There are also important reminders though to consider in proper cleaning of this product. Don’t wash in dishwasher, hand wash only. Just use a mild soap and soft cloth in warm water. Of course, don not submerge the USB cable as this is not washable. In short, refer to the product’s Quick Start Guide before you think of plunging this keyboard in water.
You can grab this K310 this month in the U.S for a price of $ 39.99 or pre-order now on Logitech’s website.  This will also be available in Europe by October. So what are you waiting for? Grab one now! And say goodbye to traditional and hard-to-clean keyboards.

Image Credit:   Logitech 
Source Credit:  ZDnet  


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