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August 15, 2012

Microsoft Surface RT Tablet for as Low as $199?

Well, its kinda unbelievable that the rumors on the pricing of Microsoft Surface Tablet is correct. Analyst said that with the price of $199, Microsoft would surely be selling below its costs. With the material used in Surface Tablet, analyst suggested that it could cost $600 range.

Surely, Microsoft would be selling below its costs, as analyst said. But, Microsoft is hoping that they could take the loss by making up revenues on apps and media sales for the device. To think that it would only come out with price of $199 according to unnamed source in an Engadget report with the inside source, which all the launch details were announced. It will absolutely create an impact with the Google Nexus 7 and the coming Kindle Fire 2 which the release date is not yet settled, since all these devices are in line with the same prices. 

The Surface Tablet comes with the Windows 8 operating system, and it will surely encourage a lot of people to try this new system with new features. It will be released on 26th of October this year.


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