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August 21, 2012

Facebook on Your Google+ Account

Have you ever imagined checking your Facebook on Google+? Well, I never thought that it could happen until I found this app (extension) on Google web store. Facebook for Google+ allows you to see your Facebook stream inside your Google+ account. You just need to connect to Facebook and then you can now get the updates on your Google+ Facebook tab.

With the latest update of this app (extension), we can now add comments, post statuses, delete own status, like item and many more directly from your Facebook stream, just like in the regular Facebook.

To add this app on your Google+, simply go to Google Web Store and type “Facebook for Google”. Then you the first option would be the “Facebook for Google+ ”, click on “Add to Chrome”, then click "Add" with the confirmation message.

You may now check your Google+ account and see a new Facebook sidebar menu.


inday_bungot said...

oh i never updated to google+.. think i should try.. hehe

Chris said...

this would be great. 2in1 social networking. hehe. thanks for dropping by.

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