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August 19, 2012

Instagram Introduces Photo Maps


Instagram, a photo-sharing application, rolled out another version of its software. Their pending billion-dollar sale to Facebook is definitely not a sign to relax but instead they created a new fresh look to this trending application. The update includes new fresh look of users’ profiles, capability of users to mark comments as spam and rectifying on performance bugs. But the highlight of the said update is the addition of a photo map on members’ Instagram accounts. Well, how does this photo map works?

Kevin Systrom, Instagram’s chief executive and one of the founders said that, “If the last version was all about production and taking the perfect picture, then this version is really about new ways of browsing. You can explore photographs, not just in a chronological order, but in geography.”

Instagram’s photo map will scan for photographs that are already tagged with geographical data and will ask users if they want to plot them. Users can also view the photo maps of their friends. So every time you upload a photo, it will ask whether or not you want to add the said photo to the photo map. Pretty easy, right?

“We want to make it clear what geotagging is and show how it lets you curate your own archive on a map,” said Mr. Systrom. “Wouldn’t you want to look at the London Olympics as it happens on Instagram?,” he added.

This famous photo-sharing application is the latest trend even during the London Olympics where athletes took pictures of them off the court and shared it to millions of Instagram users. To date, only 15 to 25 % of Instagram users add their location to uploaded photos.

Source: New York Times 
Image Source: ITProPortal


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