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August 18, 2012

Kindle Fire 2 Price Rumor


In the past few days, we are hearing more about Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 Tablet Release Date and the price of Microsoft Surface RT Tablet for as Low as $199. Now, Kindle Fire 2 rumor offers even more interesting price since it is dropped down to $0.

There are rumors that once the Kindle Fire 2 will be out in the market, it will be FREE for consumers but with a subscription that commits to a long-term plan. According to Forbes article, there's no monthly service plan for the Kindle, so they figured that the consumers needs to purchase a minimum of eBooks in a period of 1-2 year.

Well, Amazon also has a monthly subscription of their Magazines. Probably, they will offer the Kindle Fire 2 with a 2-year subscription of one of their magazines like what Barnes & Noble did to their promotion in the NOOK Simple Touch in the previous months. Though Amazon might also require you to be Prime Member first to avail the Kindle Fire 2 for FREE. 

The question that comes into my mind is, would this be enough to compete with the Google Nexus 7Microsoft Surface RT Tablet, and the coming iPad Mini? Well, let's find out once all the devices are already out in the market.

Image Source: Amazon


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