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October 9, 2012

Nicki Minaj Threatens to Shoot Mariah Carey


Maybe American Idol is just so desperate to get higher ratings that they allowed Minaj on the judges' panel knowing Mariah isn’t so into her. If these two singers can’t be the best of friends, it would just be easy for AI to come up with stories to spice up their show. Or perhaps AI producers just plainly love staring Nicki Minaj on screen with her assorted collection of wigs that’s why they decided to tie her up with the other Idol judges.

Well, it seems like the Idol judges’ feud caught some followers. Mariah Carey told broadcast journalist Barbara Walters that Nicki threatened to shoot her. Many people heard that Nicki cussed out and walked off the set and said, “If I had a gun I would shoot the bitch.”

Well, those words stirred lot of reactions and some even saying Mariah was just overacting and that she was some sort of a drama queen. She even hired extra security for safety measures. And to what Nicki can say about this controversy?

“I don’t call TMZ n Barbara Walters cuz I stand on my own two feet. Never needed an army. God is good. Insecurity is as cruel as grave,” she tweeted. The rapper is one heck of a twitter fan. Here are some of her tweets that pertained to the said incident.

Oh I guess, American Idol just found the right judge for drawing lot of nosy audience for what seems to be a girl fight between two generations of singers. Mariah remains silent though on her twitter account.

Sources: TMZ, Twitter


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