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October 2, 2012

Samsung Galaxy Note II Now Available in UK


Since Korea tech giant Samsung is widely popular in Europe and seems like US is less likely appealing to them due to series of lawsuit battle with Apple, it is releasing is super-sized smartphone right in UK today. Samsung opens the month of October with a bang as its Samsung Galaxy Note II hit the shelves in UK under three carriers – Three UK, O2 and Vodafone. But only Three has made it official with a press release.

Image Credit: Samsung
This 5.5” HD Super Amoled Galaxy Note II runs on Google’s Android 4.1.1 or better known as the Jelly Bean with 1.6 GHz Quad core processor. Others may described this as an overused smartphone but Samsung defends that even if Galaxy Note II has a bigger screen it still does fit just right in your hand. With its S Pen, you’ll surely get to have a writing experience that feels like writing on a pen and a paper only that you’re doing it right through Samsung’s Galaxy Note.

It also carries some features from the Galaxy S III such as the Smart Stay and Best Picture. Galaxy Note II is now available in marble white and titanium grey. For pricing info, you may check Three’s website at

Source: Engadget


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