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October 14, 2012

Never Mess With The Swiss: Apple Pays Up For Copying Swiss Clock Design


Cupertino giant- Apple has been recently visiting courts to condemn companies who allegedly copy their ideas.  The US jury even awarded them a billion dollars for damages. But just like the good old saying “what goes around comes around”, Apple in turn pays up for copying an idea. I bet it’s what we call in layman’s term—KARMA!

Right after Apple released its new operating system iOS 6 last month, Swiss railway operator SBB shrieked that Apple copied its design for the clock display on its latest iOS. The said design was created in 1944 by Hans Hilfiker for Swiss Railway which synchronizes with a master time controller every minute to ensure that all trains are running right on time.  SBB spokesman Christian Ginsing said that the clock design is copyrighted and is an SBB trademark.

Well, it won’t hurt a little for Apple if it sliced up a chunk from its 1 billion award to pay up Swiss Railways. In a statement released on Friday by SBB it says, “For the use of the SBB station clock on devices like iPad and iPhone, the Swiss Federal Railways SBB and Apple have agreed and signed a license agreement.”

It’s payback time then for Apple. I just wonder how much was involved to license the said clock design. But I guess, it’s never going to be a billion worth. Seems funny, how small simple designs turn into headliners, even paychecks (really fat paychecks).

Source: TheRegister


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