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October 29, 2012

Get Google Back on Windows 8


Microsoft takes pride on its newest version of operating system, the Windows 8. It promises a whole new windows experience like you’ve never had before. Windows 8 is a touchscreen-centric software but still allows user to navigate windows in the traditional way. Few critics have gush about Windows 8 being a not-so-friendly OS. Even long time window users will find it hard to navigate Windows 8, as one tech critic said. And in line with Windows 8 released on the market, Google is taking matters on its own to assist Googlers in setting up Google Search app and Chrome browser on Windows 8.

Google created a dedicated website for setting up Google on Windows 8. Users can download and install Google search app on the same website. Google search comes in a recognizable user interface which includes getting immediate results as you type your queries and with the voice search capability that lets you literally voice out your questions.  Search results and images load into beautiful full-screen grid without having to visit each page. Here’s how the Google Search App looks like on Windows 8.

You’ll still going to love Chrome even on Windows 8. Same interface but this time with some customizations for touchscreens like larger buttons and the ability to keep Chrome open next to your favorite apps. Visit this site to download Chrome. Google definitely wants you back!


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