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October 31, 2012

Nokia Starts Shipping Nokia Lumia 920 and 820


Finnish phone maker Nokia announced that it will start shipping Nokia Lumia 920 and Lumia 820 to retail outlets in selected countries this week. AT&T will carry both Nokia Lumia 920 and 820 while Verizon Wireless will sell the newly announced Lumia 822. T-Mobile on the other hand will offer the Lumia 810. Nokia will ship its phones to those three carriers and in stores in November.

If you’re outside U.S., Nokia Lumia 920 will be also available sometime in November to countries like Australia, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Italy, Poland, Russia, Saudia Arabia, Thailand, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, the U.K and Vietnam.

Nokia Smart Devices Executive Vice-President Jo Harlow said that, “After seeing the enthusiastic response to the incredible innovation in the Nokia Lumia 920 and Nokia Lumia 820, we’re eager for people to start experiencing the phones for themselves.”

The latest installment of Nokia Lumia runs on Microsoft’s new smartphone operating system Windows Phone 8. Nokia takes pride with its very own Nokia Pureview Camera which captures beautiful photos even on a bright or low-lighted area. It is also capable of wireless charging which seems to be the new trend among smartphones today.

Local pricing and availability for each country will be announced by operators and retailers.

Image Credit: Nokia


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