Some iPhone 5 users are quite disappointed with its performance. We have been hearing reviews about the Wi-Fi issue, the capturing of image under the sunlight, and especially the Apple Maps that even the CEO of Apple “Tim Cook”apologized.
Now that the iPad Mini is launching, will the consumers pre-order the device without testing it? Knowing about the performance of the iPhone 5, I guess there are many who would be hesitant to pre-order without a review coming from consumers.
Apple sells more than 2 million units of the iPhone 5 in its first 24 hours — that was really amazing. Reports said that iPhone 5 pre-orders were more than doubled compared to the iPhone 4S.
The main concern of the users of the iPhone 5 is the Apple Map. Since Apple no longer partnered with Google, I’m sure that the iPad Mini will also be using the Apple Maps. So the question is, will this affect the sales of the iPad Mini?
Well, some consumers said that the issues of the iPhone 5 is only minor and will not affect its whole performance.
Apple expects that the iPad Mini will sell well since smaller tablets received more sales than bigger tablets. We can say that consumers will prefer to buy a tablet which is more portable.
Image Credit: Apple
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