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October 12, 2012

Tech Giants Gathered to Discuss Patent Peace Amidst Patent Feud


Tech world was never as messy as this. Patent war is the latest trend. I bet you've heard of Samsung and Apple feud. Oh well, it’s just the tip of the iceberg. Tech companies aren't just busy innovating devices but they’re also busy filing lawsuits to one another. Last Wednesday, these tech giants gathered around and sat down to talk about peace and to iron things out.

Critics described recent lost of Samsung over Apple as a massacre to the consumers. In the end, it’s still the consumers who will suffer with all these patent lawsuits. Now, U.N’s International Telecommunications Union (ITU) hosted a round table discussion in Geneva to protect innovation itself. The said discussion aims to protect companies’ intellectual property without slowing innovation.

On ITU’s website it describes that its purpose “is to provide a neutral venue for industry, standard bodies and regulators to exchange innovative ideas that can guide future discussions on whether current patent policies and existing industry practices adequately respond to the needs of the various stakeholders.”

If tech companies wouldn't allow its rivals to license their patents or put up an unfair ground of licensing rules, it could stifle innovation instead and the world of technology will be compromised.  Others would claim that tech companies would resort to litigation to clear out its competing products in  the market. And if consumers are left with only one choice of product, what would happen to the other companies who could have innovated something bigger? This was just be one of the questions raised during the discussion

Among the attendees of the said discussion were Apple, Cisco, Google, Intel, Microsoft, Motorola, Nokia, Panasonic, Qualcomm, Research in Motion, Samsung, the U.S Department of Justice and the U.S Federal Trade Commission.

Source: PCMag


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