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October 29, 2012

What Can We Expect from Windows Phone 8?


Microsoft is set to unveil Windows Phone 8 three days after Windows 8 operating system is released. October 29 is “the day” for software giant to impress audience with its own version of smartphone as Microsoft is trying to keep up with the smartphone game. This next generation of smartphone operating system has captured the imagination of many people, asking if how will it be when compared side-by-side with dominating smartphone operating system like Android and iOS. What can we expect from Windows Phone 8?

Months prior to the big event, Microsoft announced that Windows Phone 8 will sport bigger,sharper screens. It could either be a 1280x768 or 1280x720 display according to Microsoft. Like its pc version of operating system, Windows Phone 8 will stick with its infamous Tiles. So when you pull up your start screen, users have the option to resize app tiles based on importance and even stretch out the tile to stand out.

Image Credit: Microsoft
It would be mediocre for Microsoft if Windows Phone 8 will not feature either a NFC (Near Field Communication) or e-wallet capabilities. Users are now dependent on apps offered by its phone. And if you want to ride with the bandwagon, Microsoft got to have either one of those two features. Rumors this time confirm that Windows Phone 8 will support NFC functionality which allows user to send data by tapping Windows Phone 8 device to another. And much better since the said phone OS will also have the e-wallet app that contains your credit and debit card info, coupons and frequent flyer info. Payment is just a swipe away using this phone.

Of course, Microsoft will use Internet Explorer 10 on its phone as the default browser. As for the Maps, it does away with its own and opted instead to use Nokia’s mapping software which has a turn-by-turn navigation and the ability to store maps offline. Now if you’re asking what would replace the Zune pc app which allows users to sync pc files to the phone, then it will be Microsoft’s new Xbox Music service which apparently totally replaces website.

Windows Phone 8 camera will let you take panoramic photos and has self-timer so you can take a photo of yourself without using the front camera. It has additional feature called the Smart Group Shot which more or less works like Samsung’s Galaxy S3. The said feature will take continuous photos and will combine those pictures that have best qualities.

Those specs and features remain to be rumors but we’ll eventually know once Microsoft take the center stage in a San Francisco event few hours from now. So buckle up and hope Microsoft does it right this time.


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