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October 16, 2012

Nintendo Wii Drops Price to $129.99 - Includes Both Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort


In preparation of the busy holiday shopping season, Nintendo decided to drop the price of its older Wii console to a suggested retail price $129.99. The package will be broadly available in the U.S. this October 28, which includes a black Wii console and both Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort are on a single game disc. 

Also include in the package a black Wii Remote Plus and a Nunchuk controller to match the console.

Gamers can enjoy and try their hand at sports like baseball, bowling, archery, tennis, table tennis and basketball, these games are included on a single game disc.

Nintendo of America’s executive vice president of Sales & Marketing, Scott Moffitt said, "Nearly six years after it launched, people are still attracted to the pure, inclusive fun of the Wii console". "A new suggested retail price and the inclusion of two great games make it an easy choice for families looking for a great value this holiday season."

Source Credit: BusinessWire


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