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October 6, 2012

Facebook Now Has 1 Billion Users


It’s official! Facebook Inc., CEO Mark Zuckerberg posted on his wall that they have just signed up the 1 billionth user of Facebook, reaching historic milestone. Facebook started out as a door room project in February 2004 while founder Mark Zuckerberg,who was then 23, was studying Psychology at Harvard University. Before Facebook, Zuckerberg had developed number of social-networking websites for fellow Harvard students.

The name Facebook came from sheets of papers that are distributed to university freshmen, profiling students and staff. It all started in the walls of Harvard. Just within 24 hours after it was launched by founder Zuckerberg, about 1,200 Harvard students had signed up for the said site and by over a month, half of the undergraduate population had a Facebook profile. And the rest was history.

The Palo Alto based company depends on advertising revenues to survive. And now that it has 1 billion active users, Facebook is doing its mighty best to monetize said figures. However, consumers are increasingly accessing the internet via mobile devices thus making it hard for Facebook to generate advertising revenue. A notable 600 million Facebook members are using mobile to get online.

 Nevertheless, CEO Mark Zuckerberg wrote on his post that Facebook’s historic achievement is ‘”by far the thing I am post proud of in my life.” He further added, “I am committed to working every day to make Facebook better for you, and hopefully together one day we will be able to connect the rest of the world too.” Congratulations Facebook!

Source: Facebook, Guardian


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