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October 4, 2012

Samsung to Launch Galaxy S III Mini on October 11


Without a doubt, Samsung Galaxy S3 is one of the successful flagships of Korean giant Samsung. And now they might be resizing the Galaxy S3 as shown on invitations sent out by Samsung Germany. The said invite is in German and when translated into English it says, “So big can be small and so small can be big” and “Get ready for a little sensation” with the flagship logo letter “S” for Galaxy S series on the background.

Speculations are then spreading that Samsung will launch a smaller version of S3 or the so-called Galaxy S3 mini. Since the Galaxy S3 has recently been updated to Android 4.1 Jelly Bean from Ice Cream Sandwich operating system, the said S3 mini might be running on a Jelly Bean platform. It will also retain S3 features like Samsung’s very own Touch Wiz and a dual-core processor, according to rumors. But this time, it will have a 4-inch display compared to Galaxy S3’s 4.8 inches Super Amoled display.

Rumors will once be confirmed this October 11 and the said device will definitely hit the shelves before the holiday season. Global sales of Samsung Galaxy S3 have surpassed the 20 million mark in little more than three months. And with the availability of a mini version of S3, Samsung is hoping to rake in more sales and perhaps even grab the spotlight from newly released iPhone 5 which also has a 4-inch screen display.


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