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April 10, 2014

Nokia Lumia 1520 Tips and Tricks


Nokia Lumia 1520 was officially announced on October 2013. Then it was released on the November 2013. I'm sure you want to know some cool tips and tricks of your device. It will help you learn more about your device to make your life much easier in using it. At the same time, improving your productivity and fulfilling what you expected on your device.

Here are some tricks for your device. Visit this site more often for updates and some tips. You can also submit your concern at our contact us form on the sidebar. If your device is not listed on this site and you are having problems with it. Don't hesitate to contact us, we will try to respond on your emails within 24-hours.

How to Factory Reset

Resetting your Nokia Lumia 1520 will restore your default settings. It will also delete all your files on your phone, so it is recommended to have a backup files on your computer. Resetting is also applicable when your device is currently frozen. Unlike the other phone, Nokia Lumia 1520 battery is has an internal or non-removable battery. So, do not attempt to remove your battery when it is frozen.

Step 1. Press and hole the volume down key together with the power button for about 10 seconds.

Step 2. Your phone should switch to off. Turn your phone back on by pressing the power button.

Step 3. Then update your phone software.

Step 4. To reset your phone.

  • On the start screen, swipe left to access the settings.
  • Tap on "Settings".
  • Select "About", then "reset your phone".

If your issue still unsolved, it is advisable to contact your network service provider or Nokia.

How to Hard Reset

Hard Key Combination:

Use this option if your device is locked and you don't know the code.

Note: Make sure that your Nokia Lumia is turned off.

Step 1. Press and hold the power key until it vibrates then release.

Step 2. Press and hold the down key volume. If the exclamation mark will be shown on the screen, you can now release the button.

Step 3. You need to input these key combination:

Volume Up > Volume Down > Power Volume Down.

Your phone will reset and will boot up automatically. This might take a several minutes.

How to Import Contacts From Old Phone to New Phone

Contacts is very important for everyone of us. We can't connect to our friends without a contact number. If you have a new phone, saving contacts on the phone one by one is so hassle. But now, there's an easy way how to transfer or import your contacts from your old phone to your new phone.

Use your PC to transfer contacts to your new phone. This process is applicable in several phone brands, including iPhone, Samsung, HTC and Nokia.

You just need an Internet Connection on your PC, your old and new phone and their own USB cable.

Then you need to install the PC Companion program. This is a free application and the installation files are already saved on your new phone. This program can also be used in updating your phone software.

Please note that if you are using the Microsoft Windows 7 operating system on your PC, make sure that the AutoPlay setting is enabled.

To check your settings:

Click Start > Control Panel, then type "autoplay" on the search box. Click the AutoPlay, and mark the check box Use AutoPlay for all media and devices.

Installing the PC Companion:

  • Turn on your new Phone and connect it to your PC.
  • On your new Phone, tap "Install" to install PC Companion on the PC.
  • On your computer, if a pop-up window that appears notifies you about available PC Software, select Run Startme.exe.
  • Then click Install to start the installation and then follow the instructions to complete the installation.

If you are not prompted with a pop-up window to install the PC Companion, you can also download the PC Companion here.

Transferring your contacts to your new phone:

  • Make sure that PC Companion is installed on your PC.
  • Open the PC Companion application on your PC.
  • Then click Contacts Setup and follow the instructions to transfer your contacts.

How to Take a Screenshot

Did you just created a nice piece of art on your new phone? Or perhaps you've just personalized your screen and want others to know how you've come up with it.Well, take a screenshot and brag it to your friends. Here's how you can capture a screenshot of your Nokia device.

1. Press on the Power key on the right side of the phone and the Start key simultaneously for few seconds.

2. To see the screenshot, tap on Photos and select Screenshots.

3. Tap and hold the screenshot you wish to send and then tap on Share on the options.

There you have it. You've just captured a screenshot.

How to Scan Codes

Nokia's latest installment of smartphone, allows you to scan QR codes, barcodes and book and dvd covers. Your device will give you further info after you scan the codes. Here's how you can make use of this feature.

1. First, you need to tap

2.  Then tap on

3. And point the camera at the code. Make sure to keep the camera steady on the code and should be completely visible in the camera viewfinder.

How to Save Battery Life

Battery Life depends on how you use your device. For your device, if you want to save your battery to last longer hours, you may need to adjust your settings. Follow these suggestions:

• Turn on the power-saving option on the device. Then lessen the screen brightness and the screen lock timeout. On the Home Screen, swipe left, then tap on the Gear Icon or Settings > Battery saver.

- Be reminded that when your phone goes into battery saver mode, you may not be able to change the settings of all apps.
- If you want to change the settings of the Battery saver, tap on Advanced.

• Turn down your device volume with the volume keys.

• Close any apps or features when you are done using it so they will not continuously running in the background.

• Turn off the network connection if you are out of range so that your device will stop searching for a network signal.

• You should use the latest version of the software update. Software updates improves some features and fixes some bugs on the previous software version.

• Turn off the camera flash.

• The camera viewfinder can be a power drain, so after you've finished taking photos, press the left arrow key.

How to Track and Delete Files Remotely on Your Lost Windows Phone

Did you lose your phone? Or misplaced it? Worried about your files? So many questions but only one answer. Go to In this site you can track your Windows phone, delete your files, make your phone ring, and locked your phone to show a message to return it.

Find my Phone will make your life easier to find it or it can also prevent other person from using it without your consent.

How to Track your Phone / Map Location:
  • Go to
  • Point your mouse on "Explore My Phone" and click Find My Phone
  • Sign in with the same Microsoft account you used to sign in on your phone.
  • If you are not seeing the latest location of your phone, click Refresh.
  • You can also print the hard copy of your phone location, just click Print.
  • Click Center on Map if you lost the location of your phone.

How to make your phone ring:
  • While you are sign in on, click on Ring.
  • Just follow the instructions to make your phone ring.

How to Erase your phone:
  • While you are sign in on, click on Erase.
  • If you are sure to erase your phone, click on Yes! Erase my phone immediately check box.
  • To confirm click Erase.

How to Lock your phone and show a message:
  • While you are sign in on, click on Lock.
  • Just follow the instructions to lock your phone ring.
  • If you don't have a password then you need to create one, you will use it to unlock your phone if you get it back.

How to Make a Conference Call

Conference calling is a network service. The maximum number of participants involve in a conference call varies by network service provider. Nokia Lumia 1520 supports conference call between two or more people. Well, here's how you can make a conference call using your phone.

1. Call the first participant of the conference call.

2. To make a call to another person, press  , and make the call in the normal way.

3. When your call is answered, just tap merge calls icon.

4. If you want to add another person to the call, just tap add call iconthen call another person and tap merge calls icon.

Now, if you want to have a private conversation with someone while you're on a conference call, just tapprivate call iconand the person's name or number. The conference call is put on hold while other participants continue the conference call. Tap onmerge calls icon to return to the conference call.

How to Make Your Device a Wi-Fi Hotspot (How to Share Internet Connection)

This feature allows for your other devices to pick up your mobile hotspot settings on your Nokia Lumia 1520. This is more preferable when you’re in public trying to locate a WiFi connection. Nokia did not mention how many devices can connect to your Nokia Lumia 1520, but usually it is 6-8 devices. Check out these steps for easy, convenient and a money-saver internet experience.

1. On your Start screen, swipe left, and tap  Settings.

2. Then select Internet sharing.

3. Switch the Sharing to On.

4. If you want to change the name of your connection, tap Setup Broadcast name, then enter the name.

5. If you want to secure your Wi-Fi hotspot, then you can also type in a password for the connection.

6. Then select the connection on the other device.

Wait for few seconds and your phone will start broadcasting its WiFi network name. Now you’re ready to connect your other device to your portable mobile wifi hotspot.

Note: The other device uses data from your data plan, which may result in data traffic costs. For info on availability and costs, contact your network service provider.

How to Uninstall an Apps

Deleting apps on your phone can free up your phone memory storage. So if think you're phone is a bit too crowdy and if some apps lurking in it deserves to be out of your phone memory then you might want to consider uninstalling those apps you no longer want to use.

1. On your device's start screen, swipe left to the all apps menu.

2. Then simply tap and hold an app and tap uninstall. Take note that you might not be able to remove some apps especially those that came with your phone.

As easy as that. If you wish to reinstall the app without buying it again, then you can do as as long as it is available in Store.

How to Personalize the Start Screen

Do you want to get easy access on your most-used apps? Then pin your favorite apps, websites, contacts and much more right on your device start screen. Here are some ways on how you can personalize your start screen and make it look neater.

To pin an app:

1. On your device's screen swipe left to go to the apps menu.
2. Then tap and hold the app you wish to pin on the start screen.
3. And tap pin to Start.

To pin a contact:

1.First tapPeople.
2. Then tap and hold the contact you wish to pin on the start screen.
3. And tap pin to start. By pinning your a contact on the start screen, you'll be able
to see their feed updates on the tile and you can call them directly from the
start screen.

To pin a website:

1. Go to a website that you want to access instantly .
2. Then tapand choose pin to start.

To move a tile:

1. Just tap and hold the tile.
2. Then drag and drop it to the new location and finally tap the screen.

To resize a tile:

1. Tap and hold the tile you want to resize
2. And tap the arrow icon.

To unpin a tile:

1. Tap and hold the tile.
2. And tap

How to Download Maps

Are you a certified travel addict? Then why not download and save maps of your destinations right on your phone before you hit the road. By doing this, you can travel the world while browsing your map guide even without an internet connection. Here are the steps on how you can download maps on Nokia Lumia 1520.

1. On your device's start screen, swipe left and tap Nokia Maps icon Here Maps, then tap on.

2. Now select on download maps. Make sure that you're WiFi is on and is connected to a network.

3. After tapping download maps, tapand select the country or region.

To delete a map just tap download new maps. Then tap and hold the map you wish to get rid of and finally tap on delete.

How to Download Apps

Do want to jam packed your Lumia 1520 with cool apps and games. Then try checking out their own version of app store to download free apps, games and other stuff for your device. Here's how to download those stuff on your phone.

1. First tap the Store iconon your device.

2. Then tap an item to view its details like the price, description, rating and etc.

3. If the said item has a price, tap buy or if its available for free at a limited time, tap try. If its free, go ahead and tap install.

4. If you're not signed in to a Microsoft account, then sign in now.

5. And just follow the on-screen instructions to complete the download.

When the download is complete, you can open or view the item, or continue browsing for more items at the store. But even if you're still downloading the item, you can continue to browse for more items and even add an item to your download queue. To view your download queue just tap the download notification at the bottom of the main view. If you want to pause the downloading, tap and hold the downloading item and tap pause. Tap resume to continue the download.

How to Create a Start Screen for Kids

With Kid's Corner feature on Nokia Lumia 1520, you can now let your kids use your Lumia phone without worrying that they might delete important files on your phone or purchase apps without your consent. Just create their own start screen and personalise it with their favorite apps or games. 

1.  On your device's start screen, swipe left and tapSettings.

2. Then tap on Kid's corner.

3. Now you can create a fun and safe start screen for your kids. Choose which content your kids can use and even create a password so they can't access your own start screen.

4. To let your kids buy game points or define a Wallet PIN, you must enter the Wallet PIN to make each purchase. To define a Wallet PIN, swipe left on the start screen and tap  Wallet >settings+PIN.

5. To turn off kid's corner, swipe left on your start screen and tap Settings. Then switch kid's corner off.

If you want to go back to your own start screen just press the power key twice and swipe up on your own lockscreen. To go back to kid's corner, swipe left on your start screen and swipe up on the kid's lockscreen.

How to Logout Facebook

1. Open up Facebook App.

2. Right swipe to bring up the left menu (or tap on the three dotted icon on the top left corner).

3. Scroll to the bottom of the Menu and tap on 'Logout'.


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