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February 16, 2013

How To Factory Reset NOOK Tablet/NOOK Color


By doing the factory reset, your NOOK Tablet/NOOK Color will deregister your device as well as erases all local content such as contacts, sideloaded documents, personal information, wishlists, 4 digit passcodes, etc. It is recommended you backup all wanted files to an SD card or computer. All Barnes & Noble content will be downloadable upon re-registering.

To Reset NOOK Tablet/NOOK Color, follow these steps:

1. Hold the power button down until NOOK Tablet/NOOK Color is powered off, ignoring the "Power off" prompt.

2. After Your NOOK Tablet/NOOK Color is powered off hold the "NOOK Home Key" down then simultaneously hold down the "Power" button, release the buttons immediately after the “Read Forever” logo disappears.

3. If successful, a grey NOOK Logo will appear and the screen will refresh momentarily and flash yellow. A prompt will appear asking if you would like to perform a “Factory Reset,” Tap the "NOOK Home key" to confirm. Tap the "Home key" again to begin the process.

4. After a few minutes your device will reset and re-install all necessary software. Once completed, you will have to register the device again.


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