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February 4, 2013

How to Convert And Download YouTube Songs in MP3 Format


People visit Youtube when they want to find videos or music videos of their favorite band or singer. And sometimes want to download it on iTunes but don't know how to do it. Now, there's a free website where you can convert and download the Youtube songs on iTunes.

Follow these simple steps:

Step 1. Visit and search the file you want to convert and download.

Step 2. Copy the Youtube URL address.

Step 3. Go to 

Step 4. Copy the URL of the Youtube and paste it on the blank field.

Step 5. Click "CONVERT to MP3".

Step 6. Wait for the file until it completes the conversion, then click "GO TO DOWNLOAD".

Step 7. Confirm the download, by click the "DOWNLOAD" again.

You have successfully convert the Youtube file and you may play on any device.


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