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February 16, 2013

How to Connect Twitter to Facebook Status Updates


We all know Facebook and Twitter, and I know that most of you have an account with Facebook as well as Twitter. But did you know that you can link your Twitter updates on your Facebook? This will save you more than in logging in on two accounts. You just need to allow and access the Twitter application on your Facebook. Follow the instructions below:

1. Go to Facebook and log in on your account.
2. Click this link for the Twitter application.
3. You need to add the application, click on “Add Application”.
4. Set your settings, then “Add Twitter”.
5. Enter your Twitter username and password in the appropriate field. Be reminded that your login information is safe as this application is made exclusively by Twitter for Facebook.
6. Choose to have Twitter update your Facebook status.
7. Then just allow and authorize access for Twitter to Facebook.

Now, every time you update your Twitter account, you Facebook status will automatically be updated.


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