Unable to download your pre-ordered NOOK Book? Then all you need to do is to refresh the digital content on your NOOK HD/HD+.
Follow these easy steps on how to refresh the content of your NOOK library:
• Turn off your NOOK HD completely by pressing and holding down the power button for about 3-5 seconds.
• Tap “Power Off”.
• After one minute, turn your NOOK HD on.
• On your Home Screen go to "My Library".
• Tap on the 4 horizontal lines located at the lower left corner.
• Select "Refresh".
You may now try to open your NOOK Book again.
If these steps won't work you need to refresh the NOOK Book's content by moving it to NOOK Cloud and making it active again.
To move an item to NOOK Cloud, do this:
1. Press and hold on the NOOK Book.
A pop up menu opens.
2. Tap to "Move to NOOK Cloud" menu choice.
Your NOOK removes the item from your NOOK and saves a copy in your NOOK Cloud for downloading.
To make the NOOK Book active again, you need to move the item from NOOK Cloud to your NOOK.
To move an item from NOOK Cloud back to your NOOK, find the item's cover in your library and tap on it.
This should refresh the content of the NOOK Book and you should now be able to download your pre-ordered NOOK Book.
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