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January 7, 2013

How to Delete Saved Website Passwords


Browsers are capable of saving your log in information. This feature enables easy log in when you next visit the websites. But if you are still bothered about the security of your information, you can opt to delete your saved password. Here are the steps on how to delete saved passwords.

On Chrome:
1.       Click on the Chrome menu icon on the upper right hand corner on the browser toolbar
2.       Click on Settings
3.       Click on Show Advanced Settings on the bottom part
4.       Click on Manage Saved Passwords in the Password and Forms section to see the list of all saved usernames and password
5.       For Windows, Linux and Chrome devices users, in the Password Dialog box hover your mouse over the site whose password you’d like to remove and click on the “X” that appears on the right. While for Mac users, you can remove your saved passwords in the Keychain Access dialog box that appears.

On Mozilla Firefox:

1.       Click on Tools Menu on the top most portion of the webpage.
2.       Click on Options
3.       Click on Security and click on the Saved Passwords box
4.       If you want to remove all stored passwords for the listed websites, just click on Remove All. But if you only wish to remove the password for a specific website, just search, select the website from the list and click on Remove.

On Safari:

1.       On an opened Safari web page, click on Preferences from the Menu toolbar and click on “Passwords” tab
2.       Select the website you want to remove the saved password from
3.       Click on Remove or hit on Delete key
4.       Click on Remove All if you want to remove all the saved passwords or hit on Shift+Click to select a group of log-ins you want to remove.

On Internet Explorer:

1.       Open the Tools menu
2.       Click on Internet Options
3.       Click on Content tab
4.       Click on Settings beside Auto Complete
5.       Click on Delete AutoComplete history to delete saved passwords. Make sure to deselect usernames and passwords forms to prevent AutoComplete from saving your log in.


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