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December 23, 2014

How to Print on BlackBerry Classic Q20 Using Print To Go


Now you can easily print on your BlackBerry Classic Q20 using the Print To Go software. This feature will surely minimize your work since you don't have to transfer the file from your BlackBerry Classic Q20 to your computer then print it. Save your time and less hassle with the Print To Go.

First, you need to download the Print To Go software.

1. On your computer go to this page this

2. Just follow the given instructions on the screen to complete the installation on your computer.

Once the installation process is complete, you can now print a file from your BlackBerry Classic Q20. But you need to configure first your printer. Follow these steps:

1. On your computer, try to print an item/file and choose Print To Go as the printer.
2. You need to enter your BlackBerry ID and your password, then click Sign In.
3. If applicable, enter your pairing password, device PIN, and your device name, then click Next.
4. If you want to print multiple devices, click Add Another Device. Just make sure that it is associatedd with your BlackBerry ID.
5. Click Done.
6. Click on Remember Me if you want to save the settings you just entered.
7. Finally, click Print.

When printing is complete, open Print To Go on your BlackBerry device, then find your pairing password. Your pairing password helps to establish a more secure connection between your computer and your BlackBerry device.

1. Swipe down from the top of the screen.
2. Tap Settings or the Gear Icon.

To reset your pairing password, tap Reset.

If you want to delete a folder or printout from Print To Go:

1. Tap and hold a printout or folder in a few seconds.
2. Then tap the Trash Bin icon.


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