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December 23, 2014

How to Activate NFC on Microsoft Nokia Lumia 535

To get started, switch the NFC features ON in your phone, and start tapping to share stuff or connect to devices.

NFC is not supported by all phones. For availability, go to

Using the NFC features on Nokia Lumia 535, you can:

>>> Connect to compatible Bluetooth accessories that support NFC, such as a headset or a wireless loudspeaker

>>> Send things, such as contacts or your own photos, to your friend's phone, PC, or tablet running on Windows 8 or later

>>> Tap tags to get more content for your phone, or to access online services

>>> Pay with your phone, if supported by your network service provider

The NFC area is on the back of your phone, near the camera. Tap other phones, accessories, tags, or readers with the NFC area.

>>> On the start screen, swipe down from the top of the screen.
>>> Switch Tap to share to On.

Tip: Before using NFC, make sure the screen and keys are unlocked.

Enable NFC payments

>>> Switch Tap to pay to On.

You may be able to pay or use your phone as a ticket even when your phone is locked, depending on your service provider.

Tip: To select when you can use NFC payments, tap Active cards work.


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