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December 11, 2014

How to Hard Reset (Factory Reset) Nokia Lumia 830

Restarting your phone is the first thing you need to do when it freezes or does not functioning if an app crashes.

Troubleshooting steps, when your Nokia Lumia 830 does not turn on.

1. First, charge your phone for at least 30 minutes to make sure that it is not battery empty.

2. Restart your phone.

    - To do this, Press and hold the Power and Volume Down keys simultaneously for 10-15 seconds.
    - Release when your phone will restart.
    - Set your date and time if you need to.

3. If the problem persists or your phone still freezes all the time, you may need to do the Factory Reset.

Reminder: Make sure you have back up all your important files as this will erase all personal content on your phone and restores the factory settings.

To do this,

- Restoring the settings might take awhile, make sure that your battery level is above 50%.
- To check the remaining battery life, go to Settings > battery saver.
- To reset your phone, Select Settings > About > Reset your phone.

In case you were not able to access the phone settings, or it freezes before you can access the settings. Hard reset is the only way to reset your phone.

To do this,

1. Disconnect the charger. 

   - Press and hold the Power and Volume Down keys simultaneously.
   - Release the pressed keys when phone vibrates and then immediately press and hold the volume down button until the phone displays an exclamation mark (!) on the screen.
   - Release the volume down key.

2. Then press the volume and power keys in the following order:
   - Volume up > Volume down > Power > Volume down.

3. Wait for your phone to reset, during the reset you will see gears rotating on the screen for up to 5 minutes, after which the screen goes blank for ~30 seconds and then your phone will restart.


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