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May 30, 2014

How to Submit Your Site/Blog to Search Engines

There are a lot of tools nowadays that will automatically submit your site/blog to search engines. Some are for free and the others needs a payment. But why pay when you can have it for free right? I must tell you that other search engines don't really have much effect in your site traffic. The main search engines which I can guarantee your traffic is on these list below.

Submit site/blog manually on search engines:

Submit to Google. If you are using a blogger, usually your blog will be indexed but in a matter of time. To lessen your wait, you can submit your site/blog on the link and your site/blog will be indexed on Gooel Search and Google Webmaster Tools in days. Enter your site/blog address on the URL, and provide the right captcha. Then click on "Submit Request".

Submit to Bing / Yahoo. Since Bing search engine powers Yahoo results, you don't have to submit your site/blog to Yahoo. Your site/blog will automatically be indexed on Yahoo results once you have successfully submitted your site/blog to Bing. Enter your site/blog address on the URL, and provide the right captcha. Then click on "Submit".

Submit to Baidu. Baidu is the search engine used in China. We know that China has a very huge population. Just click on translate if the language is Chinese. Enter your site/blog address on the URL (you start with http:// or www), and provide the right captcha. Then click on "Submit".

Submit to Yandex. Enter your site/blog address on the URL, and provide the right captcha. Then click on "Add".

Honestly, submitting your site to Google, Bing and Yahoo is enough. These are the famous search engines that most of the people are using. I don't really pay to submit my site to thousands of search engines that doesn't give much results. There are several free tools that you can use to monitor and drive traffic to your site. 

Anyway, these are some list where you can submit your site/blog automatically on search engines:

Tip: Submit your site only once on search engines, as they might find you abusive if you will keep on submitting the same site and might not be able to index it on search engines.

You can submit your site/blog to search engines automatically to thousands of search engines out there, but of course it will cost you money. If you are a business that will be starting a site and want to generate more traffic in less time, then it might be right for you. But if you are just an ordinary people who want to make money out of your site/blog, then submitting your site for free is the best. You just really need to make effort on writing a unique content on your site/blog to generate more traffic. I know it takes time but content is the most powerful tool in making a lot of traffic.

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May 25, 2014

How to Setup Google Webmaster Tools and Bing Webmaster Tools

The Webmaster Tools is very helpful to track your site keywords, pages crawled, pages errors, search queries and more. You can select which Webmaster Tools you will use, or you can also use both of them. I am currently using both of them. You will not lose anything because you can use these tools for free. This is one of the very useful free tools that bloggers can't live without. But of course, content is prioritize more to rank higher on search engines. So how will you setup Google Webmaster Tools and Bing Webmaster Tools.

Setup Google Webmaster Tools:

You can add several of websites on your Google Webmaster Tools. If you are running 2 or more blogs, then you can register your blogs on Google Webmaster Tools absolutely free. Usually if you are using a blogger, once your blog recognized by Google Search Engine - then it will automatically be registered on Google Webmaster Tools. But why wait longer when you can manually set it up, right?

Here's a very simple way on how to add a site on Google Webmaster Tools.

Step 1. First go to Google Webmaster Tools.

Step 2. Click on "ADD A SITE" button on the upper right corner.

Step 3. Enter your "URL address" and click on "Continue" button.

Your site will now be added on the list. And you will be able to manage the stats of your site. Updates may take longer unlike Google Analytics. You can submit your sitemap on Google Webmaster Tools first so that your posts or contents on your site will be indexed on Google Search.

There are also times that you need to verify your site, specially when you are not using the blogger. But that is fine, they will provide you a very simple steps on how to verify your site.

Setup Bing Webmaster Tools:

Bing Webmaster Tools would be the same as Google Webmaster Tools, but they do have some functions that Google Webmaster Tools don't have. We have different perception in deciding which is the best tools. So I will let you decide which Tools will be the best for you. But I do use both of them.

Here's a simple steps on how to add a site on Bing Webmaster Tools.

Step 1. Register to Bing Webmaster Tools.

Step 2. Once you create your account, you can now add a site. Go to Bing Webmaster My Sites or simply click on "My Sites" on the upper left corner on your dashboard.

Step 3. Enter your "URL address" and click on "ADD" button.

Step 4. Then you will be redirected to another page where you can enter the sitemap of your site, but you can also add the sitemap later if you don't have one.

Step 5. There will be three options to verify your site. It is really up to you what option you will choose. But in my case, I am more comfortable in Option 2. Simply adding the Meta Name Content on your blog.

To add the meta name content and verify your blog:

     Step 5.1. Copy the Meta that will be given to you on your Bing Webmaster Tools.

     For example:  <meta name="msvalidate.01" content="1D09C9B16EAF4AE7E3C91970F0EFBAD5" />

     Step 5.2. Go to Blogger > Template > Edit Template.

     Step 5.3. Paste the code before the </head>.

     Step 5.4. Then click on "Save Template".

Step 6. Then go back to your Bing Webmaster Tools and click on "VERIFY" on the bottom part.

You have successfully add your site to Bing Webmaster Tools. Submit your sitemap first if you haven't done so.

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May 23, 2014

Bubblews Review | Earn Cash by Posting

Bubblews offers a great opportunity to earn extra income online at your convenience time and place. I know several of you are using Facebook, but does Facebook pays you for your posts? If you are a kind of person that is fan of writing articles or posting status on Facebook, then you can make money using your words only.

You can write about News, Anime, Business, Crime, Entertainment or even the daily event in your own Personal life. You can write anything about yourself or whatsoever you think to write as long as it is in the category of Bubblews.

The concept of Bubblews is they share what they earn on their Ads. So if you post and someonesees it, make a comment, or like it, then their ads will generate income. You are getting 50% of their income as a courtesy of making your post. This is also great since this site is already established than creating your own new blog that will definitely takes time before you can generate income.

Bubblews is a legitimate company. This is not a scam and registration is for FREE. Below are the steps on how to register in Bubblews.

How to Register
  • Click this link Register Here.
  • Fill in the information needed.
  • If you don't have a website, you can leave it blank or you can copy your Facebook Profile URL.

Create your first post

You can now start creating your own post to earn extra income. Just a few reminders though, Bubblews have guidelines that you should NOT do on your posts. Please refer on the conduct listed below:

1. Submitting content that you did not write yourself. Copying content from other websites around the internet is stealing and Bubblews will never pay you for that.

2. Abusing our likes/views/comment system by partaking in exchange groups and requesting for them through other Bubblews' members.

3. Utilizing Traffic Exchange, Bots, Proxies, Virtual Private Network and other forms of IP manipulation is stealing from Bubblews.

4. Submitting posts that only contain pictures and/or containing very limited text is prohibited as this is not content our advertisers like to pay for.

5. Posting Pornographic/semi-pornographic images and/or content to Bubblews.

6. Posting LESS THAN 400 characters per post.

7. Posting material not written in English (Only exception is if you supplement your post with an English translation).

8. Posting links within your bubbles to cite/source/enhance your work is fine, but please do not post Referral or Affiliate links to other websites. Use your best discretion and if you are unsure please email in.

To create your posts:
  • Click on the "Submit" button on the upper left side of the site.
  • Write your "Post Title".
  • Select a "Category".
  • You can skip the "Upload pic" if you don't have a picture. It won't affect your earnings.
  • Then write your content.
  • Once you are done, enter the right Captcha and click on "Submit news" button on the bottom.

Simple right? By the way, be mindful that you are only allowed to make up to 10 posts per day. This is also to prevent you from spamming the site to generate more income. 

Here's a few tips for you to earn more on Bubblews:
  • Connect with Others.
  • Comment to Posts.
  • Like to Posts.
  • Share your Posts on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, G+ and Tumblr.
If you will do these all the time you will be gaining more connections, more comments, and more likes with your posts. As what you will do unto others, they will also do it unto you. So keep on posting!

You can also start connecting with me on my Bubblews Profile and joining our Facebook Community to earn to the MAX.

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May 18, 2014

How to Fix Errors on Google Webmaster Tools Structured Data

Recently, I have noticed a lot of errors on my Webmaster Tools Structured Data. I researched it further and it seems that it does not affect on search results. But even so, I wanted to remove all these errors for the sake of contentment. Below are the lists of errors I encountered on my Webmaster Tools Structured Data:
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May 7, 2014

Samsung Galaxy K Zoom Specs and User Manual

Samsung just never stop making surprises in Mobile industry. Now, they made your Mobile Photography even more exciting and even more smarter. Giving you the best experience that you ever wanted to see on your photographs.

Samsung already issued a press release for Germany, where it says the official price for the Galaxy K Zoom is €519. Sooner it will be available in your market. Be ready for the next generation of Mobile phones.

Availability on Galaxy K Zoom will be this Mid of May. Check out some cool Key Features of Samsung Galaxy K Zoom:

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