One of the great features of Google Analytics is to track your Real Time visitors. The picture below is the Real Time Overview of this site. Several options on Real-Time features to check like Locations, Traffic Sources, Content, Events and Conversations. For the Location, you can your visitors according to their countries. On Traffic Sources, it displays if is Organic, Direct or what site your visitor coming from. For the Content, it shows what posts do they currently reading and so on.
You can also compare your pageviews on this month to the previous months. The Orange graph represents my pageviews from Feb. 26, 2014 to March 28, 2014. And the Blue graph represents my pageviews from March 29, 2014 to April 28, 2014. See the sample picture below:
There's a lot more features on Google Analytics. So let's proceed on setting up your Google Analytics for your blog.
Step 1. All Google services are associated with each other. If you are using a blogger then you can also log in to Google Analytics with the same account.
Step 2. Click on "Access Google Analytics".
Step 4. Click on the Property and there will a drop down menu. Select the "Create new property".
Step 5. Enter all the necessary information and click on "Get Tracking ID"
Step 6. There will be a pop up for your code. You just need to copy the code provided.
Step 7. Go to your blogger account > Template > Edit HTML. Search for </head> tag and paste the code above it.
You have successfully setup Google Analytics on your blog. You just need to wait 24 hours and you should see your first statistics of your blog.
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