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July 17, 2014

Bubblews Payment Proof | My Earnings

I created this post for me to track my earnings on Bubblews. Below you can see my pending and completed payments. For now, I have two completed/cleared payments, and two are still pending. Just a short background of Bubblews, this company pays you to your every post per view, like and comment. You can gain $0.01 per each views, likes and comments. As far as I know, this is the best paying company I have encountered. If you want to earn extra income online then keep on posting article at least 400 characters.

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Payment Summary:

1st Payment: Cleared ($50.01)
      - Redeem on June 12, 2014
      - eCheck received on June 22, 2014
      - eCheck cleared on June 26, 2014
      - Check Payment Proof

2nd Payment: Cleared ($60.28)
      - Redeem on June 26, 2014
      - eCheck received on July 14, 2014
      - eCheck cleared on July 17, 2014
      - Check Payment Proof

3rd Payment: Cleared ($51.01)
      - Redeem on July 4, 2014
      - eCheck received on August 12, 2014
      - eCheck cleared on August 14, 2014

4th Payment: Cleared
      - Redeem on July 17, 2014

5th Payment: Cleared
      - Redeem on July 30, 2014
      - The current estimated time until the redemption is processed is August 28.   
      - Screenshot on Redemption

Here's a few steps on how to start on Bubblews:

  • - Click this link Register Here.
  • - Enter your Full Name, Email and Password.
  • - Then click "Create Account".

Create Your First Post:

  • - Click on the "Write" Green button on the left side of the site.
  • - Upload your photo. If you don't have a photo, select a Color on the Color tab
  • - Write your title on "Add a Title".
  • - Then write your content. Content should be at least 400 characters or about 4-6 sentences.
  • - Once you are done, click on "Post" button on the bottom.

Simple right? By the way, be mindful that you are only allowed to make up to 10 posts per day. This is also to prevent you from spamming the site to generate more income.

Here's a few tips for you to earn more on Bubblews:

  • - Connect with Others.
  • - Comment to Posts.
  • - Like to Posts.
  • - Share your Posts on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, G+ and Tumblr.
  • - Create at least 5 Posts per day.
If you will do these all the time, I am pretty sure that you will be gaining more connections, more comments, and more likes with your posts. As what you will do unto others, they will also do unto you. So keep on posting!

You can also start connecting with me on my Bubblews Profile.

Check more stories:

How I Made $50 in Just 15 Days | Bubblews Review 2014
Bubblews Review | Earn Cash by Posting


elf said...

Hi! Ive been writing at bubblews since 2013 but i became inactive. I just want to ask if your 2 pending redemption were cleared? I want to confirm if they are still paying on time.. i read from their faq that it would take 30 days for the echeck to arrive in their newest policy.. thanks!

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