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July 26, 2014

[Traffic Twister V10] FREE Unlimited Traffic on Your Blog/Website | Get Lower Rank in Alexa

Today I just discovered some of the software or bots that will generate unlimited traffic to your blog or websites. I don't really recommend using this software specially if your blog is running with Google Adsense. Because Google will detect it and your Google Publisher Account might get banned forever. Use this tool only if you are just starting a blog and want to lower your rank in Alexa. This works pretty fast and you might get even below 100,000 in Alexa Rank for less than a week depending on your activity.

You can also see the video below how I used it. But it does not explain well because I only have 3 minutes on my recorder. This is why I made this post, to explain to you well about this software and how it works.

Previous software are no longer working, only the latest version will work. You can download the latest version file on the link below.

Here are some helpful descriptions:

Choose proxy list from file:
     -Is provided once you download the file.
     -List of proxy sites.

Check the box: "Loop the bot?"
     -So that it won't stop until so said so.

Choose surf-URL list from file:   
     -The list of URL's on your websites.
     -Edit this File or Create your own text File.

Choose Referer list from file:
     -Is provided once you download the file.
     -The list of sites where traffic coming from.

Choose Useragents list from file:
    -Is provided once you download the file.

Upload these files on Tools >> Settings. After you upload the files, click on Run and start monitoring your traffic on your website.


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