Microsoft Nokia Lumia 1525 Factory Reset
> Open Windows Phone Settings
> Tap "about"
> Tap "reset your phone"
Microsoft Nokia Lumia 1525 Hard Reset Using Buttons
> Turn off your phone
> Then press the Power-Button once
> Press and Hold the Volume-Down-Button until you see the exclamation point "!" on your screen
> You can now release all buttons
> Press the following buttons below once in exact order:
- Volume-Up-Button
- Volume-Down-Button
- Power-Button
- Volume-Down-Button
Your phone will start the Hard Reset shortly.
Reminder: Your map will be erased if you restore your phone's factory settings. To download it again, go to Settings > Applications > Maps > Download maps.
In some of the phone models where the map data is stored on the memory card, the map data will be preserved if you choose not to erase the SD card when resetting the phone.
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