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January 4, 2015

How to Troubleshoot Mobile Hotspot Connection on Nokia Lumia 530

If you are having hard time to share your internet connection to your friends, then try these troubleshooting steps below:

> First switch the Battery saver mode OFF, then connect a charger to your phone.

   - To to turn off: Tap Settings battery saver Off.

> Check if you have a strong signal on your Nokia Lumia 530. Try to move around if you have a weak signal.

> Keep your phone in the idle mode, incoming or outgoing call will interrupt the data transfer until the call ends.

> Try to check if you have the cellular data indicator (E, 2G, 3G, H+, 4G). If you have, change the mobile network connection from 3G/4G to 2G and back again.

   - This is to make sure that your phone is connecting correctly to the network.
   - To do this, go to Settings mobile network (or mobile+SIM or cellular or cellular+SIM).

> Make sure that the internet sharing security type (if not selectable, WPA2 is used) and password settings match between the connecting device and your phone.

   - To check this, go to Settings internet sharing.

> Make sure that the operator mobile data plan subscription allows Wi-Fi tethering and your network operator has enabled internet sharing on the phone.

> If possible, try to create a connection with some other device or force the connecting device Wi-Fi adapter to use 802.11g standard - disable 802.11n mode.

   - On a Windows PC, go to Control Panel Network and Internet > Network Connections, and right click your active Wireless Network Connection and open Properties Configure Advanced, then select 802.11n and set value to Disabled.
   - Once ready, press OK.

> Then try to connect again, as internet sharing switches off after 5 minutes of inactivity.


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