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March 31, 2013

Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos Tips and Tricks


It is very important if you know some tips on your device like Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos. It will help you learn more about your device to make your life much easier in using it. Improving your productivity and fulfilling what you expected on your  Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos.

Here are some How To's for your  Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos. These How To's may still not yet complete and I am still working on the others:

How to Factory Reset (Hard Reset) Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos

We have our own reasons why we factory reset our device. Maybe we want to delete all the files and restore the device to its original state. It could also be the device may be malfunctioning or so slow and it needs to be reset.

Restoring the default settings or factory reset your Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos will delete all your existing files. It is recommended to backup your important files on your computer before attempting to reset your device.

The steps below are the instructions on how to factory reset your Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos:

Step 1. On your Homescreen, tap on MENU icon.

Step 2. Select "Settings", then scroll down and tap "Backup and reset" option.

Step 3. Then tap on “Factory Data Reset”.

Step 4. Read warning carefully before tapping the “Reset Device”.

Step 5. If you want to proceed in resetting your device, tap on “Delete All” to confirm the Reset.

Now, you just need to wait while your device is resetting. It should reboot itself and you will have a new start on your Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos.

You may also use the shortcut method using the code: Enter *2767*3855# on your device.

Hard Reset:

1. Turn off your device.

2. Then press and hold Volume Down + Home Button + Power On.

3. Wait for a few seconds until the Factory reset menu appears.

4. Select "wipe data/factory reset" by using the Volume Down button.

How to Reduce the Battery Consumption on Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos

Battery Life depends on how you use your device. For Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos device, if you want to save your battery to last longer hours, you may need to adjust your settings.

All of us want to have a longer battery life on our phones. Follow these suggestions to reduce the battery consumption:

  • - Switch to Sleep mode by pressing the Power key when you are not using your device. 
  • - Close any apps or features when you are done using it so they will not continuously running in the background.
  • - Turn off the network connection if you are out of range so that your device will stop searching for a network signal. (deactivate the Bluetooth feature, turn off the Wi-Fi feature when not in use, etc).
  • - Deactivate auto-syncing of applications.
  • - Decrease the backlight time.
  • - Lessen the screen brightness and the screen lock timeout.

How to Reformat Memory Card on Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos

Formatting the memory card on your Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos will delete all the files that is stored on the memory card. It is recommended to backup your important files on your computer before attempting to format your memory card.

You may not be able to reformat your memory card on your computer. So try it through your device:

1. On your Home screen, tap Apps.

2. Select Settings.

3. Go to Storage.

4. Then tap Format SD card Format SD card.

5. Tap Erase everything to confirm the action.

How to Import Contacts From Old Phone to New Phone (on Sony, iPhone, Samsung, HTC and Nokia)

Contacts is very important for everyone of us. We can't connect to our friends without a contact number. If you have a new phone, saving contacts on the phone one by one is so hassle. But now, there's an easy way how to transfer or import your contacts from your old phone to your new phone.

Use your PC to transfer contacts to your new phone. This process is applicable in several phone brands, including iPhone, Samsung, HTC and Nokia.

You just need an Internet Connection on your PC, your old and new phone and their own USB cable.

Then you need to install the PC Companion program. This is a free application and the installation files are already saved on your new phone. This program can also be used in updating your phone software.

Please note that if you are using the Microsoft Windows 7 operating system on your PC, make sure that the AutoPlay setting is enabled.

To check your settings:

Click Start > Control Panel, then type "autoplay" on the search box. Click the AutoPlay, and mark the check box Use AutoPlay for all media and devices.

Installing the PC Companion:

  • Turn on your new Phone and connect it to your PC.
  • On your new Phone, tap "Install" to install PC Companion on the PC.
  • On your computer, if a pop-up window that appears notifies you about available PC Software, select Run Startme.exe.
  • Then click Install to start the installation and then follow the instructions to complete the installation.

If you are not prompted with a pop-up window to install the PC Companion, you can also download the PC Companion here.

Transferring your contacts to your new phone:

  • - Make sure that PC Companion is installed on your PC.
  • - Open the PC Companion application on your PC.
  • - Then click Contacts Setup and follow the instructions to transfer your contacts.

How to Secure Your Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos (Face Unlock, Face and Voice Unlock, Pattern and Password)

Securing your Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos is also important, specially if you have a private files that you don't want others to access it. So to prevent others from using your or accessing your personal data without your permission, then you may need to activate the security features. The device requires an unlock code whenever unlocking it.

Setting a face unlock:

1. On the Applications screen, tap Settings.
2. Select Lock screen.
3. Then choose Screen lock.
4. Tap Face unlock.

Fit your face in the frame to be captured. Then, set a backup unlock PIN or pattern to unlock the screen in case the face unlock fails.

Setting a face and voice unlock:

1. On the Applications screen, tap Settings.
2. Select Lock screen.
3. Then choose Screen lock.
4. Tap Face and voice.

Fit your face in the frame to be captured and then set a voice command. Then, set a backup unlock PIN or pattern to unlock the screen in case the face and voice unlock fails.

Setting a pattern:

1. On the Applications screen, tap Settings.
2. Select Lock screen.
3. Then choose Screen lock.
4. Tap Pattern.

Draw a pattern by connecting four dots or more, and then draw the pattern again to verify it. Set a backup unlock PIN to unlock the screen when you forget the pattern.

Setting a PIN:

1. On the Applications screen, tap Settings.
2. Select Lock screen.
3. Then choose Screen lock.
4. Tap PIN.

Enter at least four numbers, and then enter the password again to verify it.

Setting a password:

1. On the Applications screen, tap Settings.
2. Select Lock screen.
3. Then choose Screen lock.
4. Tap Password.

Enter at least four characters including numbers and symbols, and then enter the password again to verify it.

How to Upgrade With the Latest Software on Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos

Keeping your device updated with the latest software fixes bugs on your handset thus contributing to its efficiency and life span. Samsung allows you to install those updates in two ways- through Samsung Kies or Over-the-Air. Well here's how you can install those latest software firmware using this two methods.

Upgrading with Samsung Kies

1. First launch Samsung Kies.

2. Then connect your phone to the computer using the USB cable that came with it.

3. Now Samsung Kies will automatically recognizes your device and a dialogue box
appears showing the available updates, if any.

4. Click the update button in the dialogue box to start upgrading to the latest software.

While you're upgrading the device, you shouldn't turn off the computer or disconnect the USB cable and don't connect other media devices to the computer as it may interfere the upgrading process.

Upgrading over-the-air

1. Go the Applications screen and then tap Settings.

2. Then go to About device.

3. Select Software Update then hit on Update.

How to Make Your Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos a Portable Wi-Fi Hotspot

Smartphones these days can now share its mobile data connection and act as a portable Wi-Fi hotspot. And like those high-end gadgets, Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos is sure to let you experience the benefits of making it as a portable Wi-Fi hotspot. Here's how you can make your Samsung phone the next Wi-Fi hotspot.

1. On your device, go to Settings screen first.

2. Then tap Wi-Fi and tap for more options.

3. Select Advanced options to customize your Wi-Fi settings.

4. Go to Tethering and portable hotspot.

5. And choose Portable Wi-Fi hotspot to share the device's mobile network connection.

And you now have a portable Wi-Fi hotspot using your Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos.

How to Activate and Use Multi Window Feature on Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos

Computers allow us to do multi tasking by letting its users open various windows or screens to work on. Now if you think your phone's display is too small for another screen, then you are indeed underestimating what your phone can do. With Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos, you can still carry on with your multi tasking skill by working on not just one window but two screens at the same time. Here's how you can activate and use the Multi Window feature on your Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos.

1. To activate the Multi Window feature on your phone,go to the Applications screen first.

2. Then tap on Settings.

3. Go to Display and tick Multi Window.

4. To use the Multi Window just tap and holdand the Multi Window panel appears at the left side of the screen.

5. Now select one app and drag another app to a new location. Just drag the bar between the application panels up and down to adjust the panel size.

6. Tap the panel handle to hide or show the panel.

7. To move an open panel, just tap and hold the handle and drag it to an edge of the screen.

8. When a panel is hidden, tap and hold the handle and drag it up or down or left or right to move the handle.

9. To deactivate Multi Window, tap and holdagain.

Take note that when this feature is activated, only applications on the Multi Window panel can run. When launching applications which contains multimedia files such as music and video, sound from both files will be played. And this feature may not be available depending on your region or service provider.

How to Install and Uninstall Apps on Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos

Apps developers are remarkably making good money out of every apps they build. No wonder online stores are mostly visited by smartphone users just to check on the hottest new apps online. If you've found the perfect app for your Samsung Galaxy Grand, then follow these steps in installing and perhaps uninstalling those unwanted apps.

Installing apps

1. First tap on Play Store on the applications screen to view available apps online.

2. You can browse available apps by category or simply tapto search with a keyword.

3. Then select an application to view. To download it on your phone, tap Install. Make sure to double check the app info like its price and ratings before hitting the install button.

4. If there's a charge for that app,tap the price and follow the onscreen instructions to purchase it.

5. To install apps that are from other sources, just go to Applications Settings Security Unknown sources.

Uninstalling apps

1. In uinstalling the apps purchased from the Play Store, tap

2. Then go to My Apps.

3. And select an application you want to delete, then tap Uninstall.

Check out: You Must Know: Android 5.0 Lollipop General Tips and Tricks on Your Device

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Samsung Galaxy Grand Tips and Tricks


It is very important if you know some tips on your device like Samsung Galaxy Grand. It will help you learn more about your device to make your life much easier in using it. Improving your productivity and fulfilling what you expected on your  Samsung Galaxy Grand.

Here are some How To's for your  Samsung Galaxy Grand. These How To's may still not yet complete and I am still working on the others:

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How to Secure Your Samsung Galaxy Grand (Face Unlock, Face and Voice Unlock, Pattern and Password)


Securing your Samsung Galaxy Grand is also important, specially if you have a private files that you don't want others to access it. So to prevent others from using your or accessing your personal data without your permission, then you may need to activate the security features. The device requires an unlock code whenever unlocking it.
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How to Reformat Memory Card on Samsung Galaxy Grand


Formatting the memory card on your Samsung Galaxy Grand will delete all the files that is stored on the memory card. It is recommended to backup your important files on your computer before attempting to format your memory card.

You may not be able to reformat your memory card on your computer. So try it through your device:

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How to Reduce the Battery Consumption on Samsung Galaxy Grand


Battery Life depends on how you use your device. For Samsung Galaxy Grand device, if you want to save your battery to last longer hours, you may need to adjust your settings.

All of us want to have a longer battery life on our phones. Follow these suggestions to reduce the battery consumption:
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How to Factory Reset (Hard Reset) Samsung Galaxy Grand


We have our own reasons why we factory reset our device. Maybe we want to delete all the files and restore the device to its original state. It could also be the device may be malfunctioning or so slow and it needs to be reset.

Restoring the default settings or factory reset your Samsung Galaxy Grand will delete all your existing files. It is recommended to backup your important files on your computer before attempting to reset your device.
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How to Send a File Using NFC on BlackBerry Z10


In case you don't know what is NFC (Near Field Communication), it is a short-range wireless technology that is designed for transferring files or data quickly on each devices. BlackBerry Z10 also has this kind of feature, were you can exchange many kinds of files, including music, pictures and etc. This is between your Blackberry device and other NFC enabled devices.
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March 30, 2013

How to Add a Geotag on a Photo on Sony Xperia Z


Adding a location to those photos somehow adds relevance and it gives you that flashback of memories when you view those nicely captured moments. Well, this feature is not new any longer since its been there online and you often use them on photo-filtered websites. But with Sony Xperia Z, you can now add geotags on your photos right on your handset. Here's how you can add geotag on your photos.

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How to Turn on Mobile Bravia Engine on Sony Xperia Z


Mobile Bravia Engine is a pre-installed technology on Sony Xperia Z which allows you to view photos and videos in a clearer, sharper and more natural way. This technology might consume more battery but it's worth it when you use it to view images in a nicer way. Here's how you can turn on Mobile Bravia Engine on Sony Xperia Z.
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How to Share Contacts Using NFC on Sony Xperia Z


NFC feature is a must-have for any smartphones these days.  Near-field communication or NFC works similarly like bluetooth. By touching your NFC-enabled phones against each other, you can then share contacts, music and photos. Well, here's how you can easily share contacts on Sony Xperia Z uisng NFC feature.

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How to Activate Camera App and Play Tracks on a Lockscreen on Sony Xperia Z


Lockscreens don't normally allow users to launch any apps or even take photos. We still need to unlock our screens to use certain apps on our handset. But with Sony Xperia Z, you can take photos, record videos and play tracks without unlocking the screen. Here's how you can enjoy this feature on your Sony Xperia Z.
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March 29, 2013

How to Uninstall an App on Nokia Lumia 520


Deleting apps on your phone can free up your phone memory storage. So if think you're phone is a bit too crowdy and if some apps lurking in it deserve to be out of your phone memory then you might want to consider uninstalling those apps you no longer want to use. Here's how you can clean up and uninstall an app on Nokia Lumia 520.
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March 28, 2013

How to Create a Start Screen for Kids on Nokia Lumia 520


With Kid's Corner feature on Nokia Lumia 520, you can now let your kids use your Lumia phone without worrying that they might delete important files on your phone or purchase apps without your consent. Just create their own start screen and personalise it with their favorite apps or games. Here's how to create a start screen for your kids on Nokia Lumia 520.

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Nokia Lumia 520 Specs and Features


One of Nokia's mid-range smartphones that was introduced this year in Barcelona was the Nokia Lumia 520. As Nokia's CEO Stephen Elop would say, these two latest flagships, Lumia 520 and 720, are packed with features found in their high-end phones but at a budget-friendly price. Nokia Lumia 520 is said to be Nokia's most affordable Windows Phone 8 device yet. But hey, here are some reasons why Lumia 520 is more than what its price suggest.
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Nokia Lumia 720 Specs and Features


Announced at MWC this year in Barcelona, Nokia Lumia 720 is a mid-ranged handset designed to offer high-end experience. This new Lumia smartphone is made exclusively on non-LTE markets and won't probably be sold in US. But whether it's sold in US or not, this brightly-colored Nokia Lumia 720 is worth a peek. Check out its specs and features below.
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How to Download Apps on Nokia Lumia 520


Do want to jampacked your Lumia 520 with cool apps and games. Then try checking out their own version of app store to download free apps, games and other stuff for your Lumia 520 phone. Here's how to download those stuff on your phone.
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How to Download Maps on Nokia Lumia 520


Are you a certified travel addict? Then why not download and save maps of your destinations right on your phone before you hit the road. By doing this, you can travel the world while browsing your map guide even without an internet connection. Here are the steps on how you can download maps on Nokia Lumia 520.
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How to Personalize the Start Screen on Nokia Lumia 520


Do you want to get easy access on your most-used apps? Then pin your favorite apps, websites, contacts and much more right on your Nokia Lumia 520 start screen. Here are some ways on how you can personalize your start screen and make it look neater.
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How to Find a Lost Nokia Lumia 520


Losing a phone is sort of a matter of life and death these days especially if you have confidential files on it. If you misplaced your phone or someone has stolen it, then keep calm and follow the steps below so you can locate your phone and lock or delete all data on it remotely. All you need to have is a Microsoft account on your phone.
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March 25, 2013

How to Make Your Nokia Lumia 520 a Wi-Fi Hotspot


Ever imagine how you can make your own Nokia Lumia 520  a WiFi hotspot? Well, sure you can. This feature allows for your other devices to pick up your mobile hotspot settings on your Nokia Lumia 520. This is more preferable when you’re in public trying to locate a WiFi connection. Nokia did not mention how many devices can connect to your Nokia Lumia 520, but usually it is 6-8 devices. Check out these steps for easy, convenient and a money-saver internet experience.
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How to Make a Conference Call on Nokia Lumia 520


Conference calling is a network service. The maximum number of participants involve in a conference call varies by network service provider. Nokia Lumia 520 supports conference call between two or more people. Well, here's how you can make a conference call using your Nokia Lumia 520 phone.

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Nokia Lumia 720 Tips and Tricks


It is very important if you know some tips on your device like Nokia Lumia 720. It will help you learn more about your device to make your life much easier in using it. Improving your productivity and fulfilling what you expected on your  Nokia Lumia 720.

Here are some How To's for your  Nokia Lumia 720. These How To's may still not yet complete and I am still working on the others:

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How to Scan Codes on Nokia Lumia 720


Nokia's latest installment of smartphone, the Lumia 720, allows you to scan QR codes, barcodes and book and DVD covers. Your device will give you further info after you scan the codes. Here's how you can make use of this feature.
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How to Take a Screenshot on Nokia Lumia 720


Did you just created a nice piece of art on your new Nokia Lumia 720 phone? Or perhaps you've just personalized your screen and want others to know how you've come up with it.Well, take a screenshot and brag it to your friends. Here's how you can capture a screenshot of your Nokia device.
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How to Extend Battery Life of Nokia Lumia 720


Battery Life depends on how you use your device. For Nokia Lumia 720 device, if you want to save your battery to last longer hours, you may need to adjust your settings. Follow these suggestions:

• Turn on the power-saving option on the device. Then lessen the screen brightness and the screen lock timeout. On the Home Screen, swipe left, then tap on the Gear Icon or Settings > Battery saver.
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How to Factory Reset (Hard Reset) Nokia Lumia 720


There are two ways on how to reset your Nokia Lumia 720, it can be through the hard reset or soft reset. When you say hard reset it involves on the hardware part, so you need to remove the battery of you Nokia Lumia and reinsert it. Then turn on your device normally. This should refresh the content of your device but will not remove any data.

Software reset will return your device to its default settings. Like a brand new phone, no information or data saved on your device. This procedure will erase all your data save on your phone.
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Nokia Lumia 520 Tips and Tricks


It is very important if you know some tips on your device like Nokia Lumia 520. It will help you learn more about your device to make your life much easier in using it. Improving your productivity and fulfilling what you expected on your  Nokia Lumia 520.

Here are some How To's for your  Nokia Lumia 520. These How To's may still not yet complete and I am still working on the others:

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How to Scan Codes on Nokia Lumia 520


Nokia's latest installment of smartphone, the Lumia 520, allows you to scan QR codes, barcodes and book and DVD covers. Your device will give you further info after you scan the codes. Here's how you can make use of this feature.
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How to Take a Screenshot on Nokia Lumia 520


Did you just created a nice piece of art on your new Nokia Lumia 520 phone? Or perhaps you've just personalized your screen and want others to know how you've come up with it.Well, take a screenshot and brag it to your friends. Here's how you can capture a screenshot of your Nokia device.
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How to Extend Battery Life of Nokia Lumia 520


Battery Life depends on how you use your device. For Nokia Lumia 520 device, if you want to save your battery to last longer hours, you may need to adjust your settings. Follow these suggestions:

• Turn on the power-saving option on the device. Then lessen the screen brightness and the screen lock timeout. On the Home Screen, swipe left, then tap on the Gear Icon or Settings > Battery saver.
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How to Factory Reset (Hard Reset) Nokia Lumia 520


There are two ways on how to reset your Nokia Lumia 520, it can be through the hard reset or soft reset. When you say hard reset it involves on the hardware part, so you need to remove the battery of you Nokia Lumia and reinsert it. Then turn on your device normally. This should refresh the content of your device but will not remove any data.

Software reset will return your device to its default settings. Like a brand new phone, no information or data saved on your device. This procedure will erase all your data save on your phone.
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March 24, 2013

Nokia Lumia 820 Update Re-enables LTE in Russia


A new firmware for Nokia Lumia 820 was reported to re-enable LTE support in Russia after it was disabled by the Portico update there earlier. According to website the said firmware would be rolled out soon to couple of Nokia smartphones namely Nokia Lumia 620, 820 and 920. It will also come preinstalled on Nokia Lumia 520 and 720. The website also noted that the firmware also comes with Nokia's Check Storage utility which gives users control over their temporary files. Well here's how you can install an update on your Nokia smartphones.
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Motorola Atrix 2 Tips and Tricks


It is very important if you know some tips on your device like Motorola Atrix 2. It will help you learn more about your device to make your life much easier in using it. Improving your productivity and fulfilling what you expected on your Motorola Atrix 2.

Here are some How To's for your Motorola Atrix 2. These How To's may still not yet complete and I am still finding some time to work on the others:

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How to Add or Remove Widgets on Motorola Atrix 2


Adding Widgets on your Homescreen will help you improve your productivity in using your Motorola Atrix 2. If you don't know what widgets means, Widgets are small applications that you can directly use on your Homescreen. These will serve as your shortcut icon so will no longer need to access the Menu.
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How to Uninstall and Reinstall Apps on Motorola Atrix 2


There will come a time that you no longer want to play the app that you have downloaded and want to remove it from your phone (Motorola Atrix 2). If this time will come, you just need to uninstall or disable the app so it will be removed on your phone.
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How to Update Motorola Atrix 2


There will come a time that Motorola or your Internet Service Provider will give a software update for your Motorola Droid Atrix 2 device. The update is needed to fix some bugs and for you to experience the newly added features. It may come by batch, but if you have not receive the update for a while, then you may need to manually check for the updates.
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How to Extend Battery Life of Motorola Atrix 2


Battery Life depends on how you use your device. For Motorola Atrix 2 device, if you want to save your battery to last longer hours, you may need to adjust your settings. Follow these suggestions:

• To see what's using your battery more, go to Settings > Battery. If you want to set an automatic rules of saving more battery, tap on Apps, and select Smart Actions.
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How to Factory Reset (Hard Reset) Motorola Atrix 2


Resetting your Motorola Atrix 2 will restore the default settings of your device. It will also delete all your files on your phone, so it is recommended to have a backup of your important files on your computer. There are two ways on how to reset your Motorola Atrix 2. It can be done through the settings or through the hardware buttons.
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March 23, 2013

How to Troubleshoot When You Can't Connect to a Public Hotspot Using BlackBerry Z10


Public hotspots are almost everywhere these days. But like any other smartphones, BlackBerry Z10 (BBZ10) also runs into issues like not being able to connect to public hotspots. First thing that you need to  do before performing any troubleshooting steps is to check if the WiFi technology on your device is turned on. And the rest will follow. Here are some steps that might be helpful to you when you run into connectivity issues on public hotspot on BBZ10.

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HTC One Evo 3D Tips and Tricks


It is very important if you know some tips on your device like HTC One Evo 3D. It will help you learn more about your device to make your life much easier in using it. Improving your productivity and fulfilling what you expected on your HTC One Evo 3D.

Here are some How To's for your HTC One Evo 3D. These How To's may still not yet complete and I am finding some time to work on the others:

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How to Clear Call History on HTC One Evo 3D


Either your call logs are just piling up or you simply want to achieve a clean call history list, then you can do the steps below. Here's how to delete or clear call history on your HTC One device.

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How to Extend Battery Life of HTC One Evo 3D


Battery Life depends on how you use your device. For HTC One Evo 3D device, if you want to save your battery to last longer hours, you may need to adjust your settings. Follow these suggestions:

• Turn on the power-saving option on the device. Then lessen the screen brightness and the screen lock timeout.
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How to Set HTC One Evo 3D into Sleep Mode


Like any other device, setting HTC One Evo 3D into sleep mode will somehow save its battery life. Sleep mode puts your device into a lower power state while the display is off. It also prevents accidental button presses when its in your pocket or bag. Here's how you can set HTC One Evo 3D into sleep mode.
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How to Send a Multimedia Message and Create a Slideshow on HTC One Evo 3D


Text messaging has grown its popularity over the years especially to younger generations. People, especially teens, prefer to communicate with friends and relatives thru texting instead of the traditional call. But whether your reaching out to friends thru text or a call, what matters most is the effort for still trying to keep in touch despite distance and even on busy schedules. We should be more grateful these days as it only takes minutes, even seconds, for a quick response unlike the old school snail mail. Now, everyone is just a text away. And more to that, you can even send multimedia messages (MMS) especially on special occasions to add more touch to a simple text-filled screen. Here's how you can send a MMS on HTC One Evo 3D.
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How to Factory Reset (Hard Reset) HTC One Evo 3D


Resetting your HTC One Evo 3D will restore the default settings of your device. It will also delete all your files on your phone, so it is recommended to have a backup of your important files on your computer. There are two ways on how to reset your HTC One Evo 3D. It can be done through the settings or through the hardware buttons.
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