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March 20, 2013

How to Check Battery Usage and History on HTC One


Keeping our phones at top shape at all times is a serious task. As much as possible, we try to save as much power as we can for our phones to last longer especially if we're hitting the road. If you've noticed, here in Zakyri, we always make posts on our blog on ways to save a phone's battery life. I might as well share these steps for all HTC One users out there on how you can check battery usage on your phone. In this way you can see a ranking list of apps that are consuming up your battery life and even how long you've been using up your phone since the last charge. This is a pretty good information when you badly need to save up your battery life.

To check on each app's battery consumption:

1. On your homescreen, slide the Notifications panel open.

2. Then tap

3. Choose and tap on Power and go to Usage.

4. And tap an app to check how it's using up your phone's battery and other use details.

If you see a button while viewing an app's battery use details, you can tap that button to adjust its settings that affect your battery usage, you can stop the app and more.

To check on your battery history

1. On your homescreen, slide the Notifications panel open.
2. Then tap.
3. Choose and tap on Power and go to History.
4. Now swipe left or right ( or spread or pinch your fingers) to scale the graph that details your battery usage over the time.


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