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March 23, 2013

How to Troubleshoot When You Can't Connect to a Public Hotspot Using BlackBerry Z10


Public hotspots are almost everywhere these days. But like any other smartphones, BlackBerry Z10 (BBZ10) also runs into issues like not being able to connect to public hotspots. First thing that you need to  do before performing any troubleshooting steps is to check if the WiFi technology on your device is turned on. And the rest will follow. Here are some steps that might be helpful to you when you run into connectivity issues on public hotspot on BBZ10.

1. First turn on WiFi on your device by swiping down from the top of the screen on your device's homescreen > tap WiFi > set to On.

2. If after turning on your device's WiFi and you still can't connect to the public network, check whether the network your trying to connect to is listed on your phone. On your homescreen, swipe down from the top > WiFi > check if the network name appears on the list.

If you can't see the network in the list there might be a signal strength issue or the network is hidden.

3. If after performing the steps above and you still can't connect to the public hotspot, try enabling your WiFi network profile. On the homescreen, swipe down from the top > WiFi > Saved > tap the network you're trying to connect to from the saved networks list > switch on Enable Connections.


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