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March 16, 2013

How to Send a Multimedia Message and Create a Slideshow on HTC One/M7


Text messaging has grown its popularity over the years especially to younger generations. People, especially teens, prefer to communicate with friends and relatives thru texting instead of the traditional call. But whether your reaching out to friends thru text or a call, what matters most is the effort for still trying to keep in touch despite distance and even on busy schedules. We should be more grateful these days as it only takes minutes, even seconds, for a quick response unlike the old school snail mail. Now, everyone is just a text away. And more to that, you can even send multimedia messages (MMS) especially on special occasions to add more touch to a simple text-filled screen. Here's how you can send a MMS on HTC One.

1. On your device's homescreen, tap onand go to Messages.
2. Then tap on
3. On the To Field, key in a contact name, mobile number or email address. You can also send it to a group of friends by tapping on
4. To add a subject line, tap onand go to Add Subject.
5. Tap on the box that says Add text and there you can type in your special message.
6. Choose an attachment for your message by tapping on
7.  After you browse and select an attachment, tap on Send or pressto save it as a draft. You can also tap onto see options like replacingviewing and removing your attachment.

Now if you wish your Mutimedia Message to reach an extra mile, you can have it on a slideshow format. Here's how you can create one:

1. After you've attached a photo/video/audio in your MMS, tap ononce again and select Slide.
2. Then choose where you want to insert the next slide.
3. When you're done adding the next slide, you can either do the following:
  •  tap onand choose to add a video or a photo
  •  tap onand then audio if you want to add a voice recording or a music to the slide
  •  tap on Add Text to add a caption
  •  tap onto view options like replacingviewing or removing your attachment.
4. To preview your MMS slideshow, tap on   select Preview. If you don't see Preview, scroll down the menu. To view the playback controls, tap once the preview screen.
5. When it's all set and done, press on or tap on Send to save message as a draft.

Now you can make someone's day a very special one with this creative and personalize MMS.


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