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October 7, 2014

How to Add a Geotag on a Photo on Sony Xpeira Z3

Adding a location to those photos somehow adds relevance and it gives you that flashback of memories when you view those nicely captured moments. Well, this feature is not new any longer since its been there online and you often use them on photo-filtered websites. But with Sony Xperia Z3, you can now add geotags on your photos right on your handset. Here's how you can add geotag on your photos.

To add a Geotag on a photo

- When you are viewing a photo, tap the screen to display the toolbars, then tap to set location to open the map screen.

- Find and tap the desired location to put the photo on the map.

- To adjust the location of the photo, tap the location on the map to where you want to move the photo.

- When you are finished, tap OK to save the geotag and return to the photo viewer.

To view geotagged photos on a map

- From your Home screen, tap .

- Find and tap Album.

- Drag the left edge of the Album home screen to the right, then tap Places.

- Tap the photo that you want to view on a map.

To view geotagged photos on a globe

- From your Home screen, tap .

- Find and tap Album.

- Drag the left edge of the Album home screen to the right, then tap Places > Earth icon. Tap the photo that you want to view on a globe.

To change the geotag of a photo

- When viewing a photo on the map in Album, touch and hold the photo until its frame turns blue, then tap the desired location on the map.

- Tap OK.


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