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October 4, 2014

How to Start the Smart Connect Application on Sony Xperia Z3

Wouldn't it be nice if you're phone automatically plays your song list right when you step in your car? Or what about letting you show your whole day agenda the moment you arrive at your work table between 8-9am? These are just examples on how Sony Xperia Z3's Smart Connect app works. With this app, you can set an event to happen on your device at certain times or what will happen when you connect/disconnect accessories like headset or charger. Here'show to use it.

1. On your device's home screen, tap on Apps icon

2. Look for Smart Connect and tap on it.

3. If it's your first time opening the said app, tap on OK to close the introduction screen.

4. Go to Events tab and tap on the plus (+) icon.

5. If you are creating an event for the first time, tap OK again to close the introduction screen.

6. Add conditions under which you want to trigger the event. A condition could be the connection with an accessory, or a specific time interval, or both.

7. Tap 'Right Arrow' icon to continue.

8. Add what you want to happen when you connect an accessory, and set other settings as desired.

9. Tap 'Right Arrow' icon to continue.

10. Set an event name, then tap Finish.


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