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October 6, 2014

How to Transfer Contacts from Sim Card or Memory Card to Sony Xperia Z3

Contacts is very important for everyone of us. We can't connect to our friends without a contact number. If you have a new phone, saving contacts on the phone one by one is so hassle. But if you have save your contacts on a Sim Card or Memory Card, then you can transfer your contacts from your SIM Card or Memory Card to your Sony Xperia Z3.

How to transfer contacts from a SIM card to your device:

- On your device's homescreen, tap on the Apps icon .
- Then tap on the Person icon or Contacts.
- Press the Three Vertical Dots, and select Import contacts > SIM card.
- If you have set up a synchronization account, then you can choose to add the SIM card contacts under that account. Or you may choose to only use the contacts on your device.
- If you want to import all the contacts, tap Import all.
- If you want to select which contact to transfer, you just need to find and tap on the contact.

How to transfer contacts from a memory card to your device:

- On your device's homescreen, tap on the Apps icon .
- Then tap on the Person icon or Contacts.
- Press the Three Vertical Dots, and select Import contacts > SD card.
- Choose the option you preferred if you have set up a synchronization account. Whether to add the imported contacts under that account or on your device.
- If you have more than one vCard file on the SD card, there should be a list appear on the different batches of contacts. Just select the batch you want to import.



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