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October 11, 2014

How to Make Sony Xperia Z3 a Wi-Fi Hotspot

This is no longer new to today's smartphone devices, but it is very useful when you want to share your internet to your friends in need. To activate your Portable Wi-Fi Hotspot on your Sony Xperia Z3, follow these steps:

1. From your Home screen, tap Apps icon.

2. Find and tap Settings > More... > Tethering and portable hotspot.  

3. Tap Portable Wi-Fi hotspot settings > Configure Wi-Fi hotspot.  

4. Enter the Network name (SSID) information.

5. To select a security type, tap the Security field. If required, enter a password.

6. Tap Save.

7. Tap  Back icon and mark the Portable Wi-Fi hotspot checkbox.

8. If prompted, tap OK to confirm.  The Wi-Fi icon appears in the status bar once the portable Wi-Fi® hotspot is active.

9. To stop sharing your data connection via Wi-Fi®, unmark the Portable Wi-Fi hotspot checkbox.


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