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December 19, 2013

Earn Extra $1 per Day Or As Much As $100 (Digital Generation Review)


Do you want to earn extra $1 per day? Or as much as $100? Yes, you read it right. As much as $100 per day. This company provides a processing power to major companies through their application, so we are helping them perform major calculations. In a simple terms, all the power you give to this company is used to make calculations which converted into money, and it all goes directly to us.

But of course you can still increase your income by simply referring your friends. They offer a 2 level referral program. 

1 level - 20%
2 level - 10%

Even without a referral you can still earn at least $1 dollar a day.

Let's say, you have referred 100 of your friends. And your friends also referred some of their friends. For example you have 100 for level 1 and 250 for level 2. How much will you earn a day just by sitting back?

I know you can earn $1 a day only if your PC is ON 24/7. My PC is ON about 14 to 16 hours, so I earn around $0.60-$0.70 a day. Not bad for doing nothing.

If your referral have at least 12 hours, so they can earn $0.50, and 20% of $0.50 is $0.10.

$0.10 x 100 = $10 a day 

You've earned $10 a day. That's only for your level 1 referral. How much more if you include your level 2.

Your account.

You have a free 1 thread for one month on your free account. Once the thread expires you will need to purchase one. But you are still eligible to withdraw your earnings on one month. If you don't want to proceed then you are free to leave. 

Thread life time is 12 months. For that 12 months you can earn $365 just for your own account without calculating your referrals.

What are the steps?
  1. It is very simple. Simply register on Digital Generation.
  2. Download the application on "Download" tab.
  3. Install the application, and Run it.
I know you don't want to miss this big opportunity. Register Now!

Reminder: If you are having problem verifying your account by contacting the number, just give it an hour and contact the number again even though your account already exceeded the number of attempts.

Selecting Payment Method

I would highly recommend Paxum. Once your account is verified, they will also give an ATM card so you can withdraw your balance directly on the card. Payza don't offer bank transfer here in Philippines and bank wire fee is so expensive. In Paxum you can withdraw your balance even though you don't have a card. They offer bank transfer.

Register in Paxum Here.


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