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April 12, 2014

How to Check If Your Phone is Infected by Malware or Virus

Malware or Viruses may be harmful to your phone specially to its performance. So how can you detect if your phone is affected by a Virus or Malware? Several signs will affect your phone performance:

   >> Longer to load than usual.
   >> Use up data at a faster rate.
   >> Battery seem to be running down much faster.
   >> Calls being dropped or interrupted with weird noises.

These are some symptoms that your phone is affected by a Malware or Virus. How to remove these viruses on your android device. 

If you believe you have a Virus or Malware on your Android phone, then you need to take immediate action to remove it. There are two ways on how to resolve this problem.

Reminder: The most common way Android phones become affected is from downloading malicious apps. Be careful on what in downloading.

Solution 1: Install an Anti-virus

Install one of these anti-virus and anti-malware software and do the scan on your phone device. 

Solution 2: Do the Factory Reset or Hard Reset.

Find your device on this site and check how to factory reset or hard reset. If your device is not listed then do contact us on the form.


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