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April 4, 2013

How to Activate and Use Multi Window Feature on Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos


Computers allow us to do multi tasking by letting its users open various windows or screens to work on. Now if you think your phone's display is too small for another screen, then you are indeed underestimating what your phone can do. With Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos, you can still carry on with your multi tasking skill by working on not just one window but two screens at the same time. Here's how you can activate and use the Multi Window feature on your Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos.

1. To activate the Multi Window feature on your phone,go to the Applications screen first.

2. Then tap on Settings.

3. Go to Display and tick Multi Window.

4. To use the Multi Window just tap and holdand the Multi Window panel appears at the left side of the screen.

5. Now select one app and drag another app to a new location. Just drag the bar between the application panels up and down to adjust the panel size.

6. Tap the panel handle to hide or show the panel.

7. To move an open panel, just tap and hold the handle and drag it to an edge of the screen.

8. When a panel is hidden, tap and hold the handle and drag it up or down or left or right to move the handle.

9. To deactivate Multi Window, tap and holdagain.

Take note that when this feature is activated, only applications on the Multi Window panel can run. When launching applications which contains multimedia files such as music and video, sound from both files will be played. And this feature may not be available depending on your region or service provider.

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