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April 21, 2013

How to Install and Uninstall Apps on Samsung Galaxy Express


Apps developers are remarkably making good money out of every apps they build. No wonder online stores are mostly visited by smartphone users just to check on the hottest new apps online. If you've found the perfect app for your Samsung Galaxy Express, then follow these steps in installing and perhaps uninstalling those unwanted apps.

Installing apps

1. First tap on Play Store on the applications screen to view available apps online.

2. You can browse available apps by category or simply tapto search with a keyword.

3. Then select an application to view. To download it on your phone, tap Install. Make sure to double check the app info like its price and ratings before hitting the install button.

4. If there's a charge for that app,tap the price and follow the onscreen instructions to purchase it.

5. To install apps that are from other sources, just go to Applications Settings Security Unknown sources.

Uninstalling apps

1. In uinstalling the apps purchased from the Play Store, tap

2. Then go to My Apps.

3. And select an application you want to delete, then tap Uninstall.


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