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April 14, 2013

Nokia Asha 301 Tips and Tricks


It is very important if you know some tips on your device like Nokia Asha 301. It will help you learn more about your device to make your life much easier in using it. Improving your productivity and fulfilling what you expected on your  Nokia Asha 301.

Here are some How To's for your  Nokia Asha 301. These How To's may still not yet complete and I am still working on the others:

How to Copy Content from Your Old Phone

Use this feature to transfer your contacts, calendar, and other stuff to your new phone.

1. Switch Bluetooth on in both phones.

2. On your Nokia Asha 301, select settings and sync & backup > phone switch.

3. Select copy to this and what you want to copy, then select the check icon.

4. Select your old phone from the list of found devices.

5. Then just follow the instructions shown on both phones.

How to Personalise the Main Menu

Organize your apps on your main menu as you like. For the quick access of your favourites apps, move them to the top.

1. Tap and hold the main menu.

2. Select the app you want to move, then tap where you want to move it.

How to Add a Shortcut to My Screen

You can add shortcuts to improve the productivity in using your phone. Add shortcuts directly on your My screen.

1. Tap and hold My screen, and select plus icon shortcut.

2. Select an item, such as a widget or action, and select the check icon.

How to Remove a Shortcut

Tap and hold My screen, and select the X mark icon on the shortcut you want to remove.

How to Factory Reset

You can reset your phone settings once you notice some abnormalities of your phone.

1. End all calls and connections.

2. Select settings and restore factory sett. > settings only.

3. Type in the security code.

This does not affect documents or files stored on your phone. It may take several minutes before your phone restore to default settings.

Back up content to a Memory Card

1. Select settings > sync & backup.

2. Select create backup.

3. Select what you want to back up, then select the check icon.

Restore a backup

Select restore backup and what you want to restore, then select the check icon.


Format a Memory Card

1. Select files.

2. Tap and hold the memory card, then select mem. card options.

3. Select format mem. card.

Password Protect Your Memory Card

1. Select files.

2. Tap and hold the memory card, then select mem. card options.

3. Select set password, then type in a password.

Keep the password secret and in a safe place, separate from the memory card.


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