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April 21, 2013

How to Save Battery on Sony Xperia L


Battery Life depends on how you use your device. For your Sony Xperia L device, if you want to save your battery to last longer hours, you may need to adjust your settings. Follow these suggestions:

• Turn on the power-saving option on the device. Then lessen the screen brightness and the screen lock timeout. On the Homescreen, tap on Menu icon. Select Settings > Power management.

- Use the Stamina mode and Low battery mode features.
- To activate the STAMINA mode: While you are in the Power management, tap on Point icon next to STAMINA mode, then tap Activate.

• Turn down your device volume with the volume keys.

• Close any apps or features when you are done using it so they will not continuously running in the background.

• Turn off the network connection if you are out of range so that your device will stop searching for a network signal. To turn off the network go to Settings and turn off the Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.

• You should use the latest version of the software update. Software updates improves some features and fixes some bugs on the previous software version.

• Adjust your brightness level to low.

• Turn off the camera flash.

• If you have any live wallpaper, Disable it.

• Set the synchronization application to manual. You can also choose the automatic, but increase the synchronization intervals.

• If you want to listen to music, use the Sony original hands free device. It demand less battery power than your device's own loudspeakers.


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