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April 6, 2013

How to Set up Speed Dialing on HTC Desire U


Speed dialing is definitely a must-have feature on any phones. Whether you're in a hurry or in an emergency, this feature lets you call important contacts right away by just dialing a number key on your phone. For all HTC Desire U users, here's how you can set up speed dialing on your device.

1. First, open the phone app on your device.

2. Then tapand go to Speed Dial.

3. Now tapand select a contact from the list.

4. On the Speed dial screen, choose the phone number of the contact to use
and a speed dial key to assign for that contact.

5. Once your done, tap Save.

Take note that the number 1 key is generally used and reserved for calling voicemail and retrieving voicemail messages.


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