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April 6, 2013

How to Screen Mirror Sony Xperia SP to Show the Screen on a TV


The Screen Mirroring will allow you to show the screen of your device on a TV or other large display without using a cable connections. It uses the Wi-Fi Direct technology that create a wireless connection between two devices. You can also use this feature to listen to music from your phone via the TV's speakers.

How to mirror the screen of your Sony Xperia SP on a TV:

1. First you need to turn on the screen mirroring function on your TV. Just follow the instructions in the User Guide of your TV.

2. From your Home screen, tap on the Menu icon

3. Select on Settings, and tap Xperia™.

4. Choose Screen mirroring.

5. Tap to turn on the Screen mirroring and select a device.


When using screen mirroring, the image quality may sometimes negatively impacted if there is a Wi-Fi interference.

When using screen mirroring, do not cover the Wi-Fi antenna area of your device.


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