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April 27, 2013

How to Make Your Samsung Galaxy S4 a Wi-Fi Hotspot


Smartphones these days can now share its mobile data connection and act as a portable Wi-Fi hotspot. And like those high-end gadgets, Samsung Galaxy S4 is sure to let you experience the benefits of making it as a portable Wi-Fi hotspot. Here's how you can make your Samsung phone the next Wi-Fi hotspot.

1. In the Application list, select Settings.

2. Then tap on More Settings.

3. Choose Tethering and portable hotspot.

4. Tap on Portable Wi-Fi hotspot

5. Then drag the Portable Wi-Fi hotspot switch to the right to activate mobile network sharing via Wi-Fi

6. Select Configure to configure network settings to use your device as an AP.

7. Tap on Save.

8. Now, on another device, locate your device’s name and connect to your mobile network.

You can also restrict mobile network sharing to specified devices. Select Allowed device list, create a device list, and then select your device’s name to change the sharing mode to Only allowed devices.


r0am said...

If you reach your bandwidth limit for the month, your service provider will charge you overage fees. It is highly recommended you watch the data usage while tethering your phone.

Patrick Yap said...

Good day sir!

Would there be other charges if I enable this feature"?

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