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April 8, 2013

How to Make Your Motorola Photon Q 4G LTE a Portable Wi-Fi Hotspot


Smartphones these days can now share its mobile data connection and act as a portable Wi-Fi hotspot. And like those high-end gadgets, Motorola Photon Q 4G LTE is sure to let you experience the benefits of making it as a portable Wi-Fi hotspot. Here's how you can make your Motorola phone the next Wi-Fi hotspot.

1. Touch Apps Settings Tethering & Mobile Hotspot > Mobile Hotspot settings > Configure Mobile Hotspot if you have already turned it on. 

2. Touch a setting to modify some settings.

  • Your Network SSID, or the name that you want on your wifi hotspot. 
  • The Security: Choose the type of security you want, and then touch Save: WPA2 PSK
  • Your Password.
  • Broadcast Channel: Select a channel that minimizes potential interference. You may need to try different channels after your hotspot is active for a time. 

3. Touch Save when the settings are complete.

To activate your Wi-Fi Hotspot:

  • Touch Apps Settings Tethering & Mobile Hotspot > Mobile Hotspot

When your Wi-Fi hotspot is active, other Wi-Fi enabled devices can connect by entering your hotspot’s SSID, selecting a Security type, and entering the correct Wireless password (if applicable).

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