Recently, the NOOK HD/HD+ by Barnes & Noble has been distributed. You might be wondering on how to change the font size or text size on the NOOK Book you are reading. I know that reading in small fonts is somehow difficult especially to your grandfather and grandmother.
Here’s a very simple steps to change the font size of your NOOK HD/HD+:
- On your Home Screen, go to “Library” and select “Books”.
- Open the NOOK Book you want to read.
- Tap once on the middle of the NOOK Book.
- There should be an option appear at the bottom of the screen.
- Tap on the letter “Aa” at the lower left corner.
- You may now select the font size you want.
If you want, you may also change the font, theme, line spacing and margins if you don’t like it.
Image Credit: B&N
That's fine if you're reading a book, but who wants to reset the font each time you open a book? How about a way for the Nook HD to remember that you like a 12 point (or 14 point, or whatever) font as a non-volatile setting? B&N, you messed up on this device.
Well, that feature can be implemented by contacting Barnes & Noble support. They can surely raise that to the NOOK developer for possible implementation in the next update.,:)
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